




Limiting UITableView Width Across Different Table View Configurations
I have an iOS App which looks great on iPhone, portrait only, which makes a lot of use of UITableViews. On iPad those tables look stretched out in Landscape. On MacOS with Apple Silicon the app can be resized to any size and the table views look very stretched. There are views in the App which users want to resize so limiting app size not an option. I've been modifying the app's table views to limit their width and centre them using constraints. This isn't easy, it's a lot of work as UITableViewController doesn't allow for constraining the table width. Or does it? So I've changed them to UIViewControllers with UITableView imbedded in the root UIView with constraints. Looks really nice. Now I've just run into the limitation that static tables, which I have a number of, aren't allowed to be embedded. So how can I limit the width of them? I really don't want to add a lot of dynamic code. Please tell me there's an simpler, more elegant method to what really makes a much more aesthetically pleasing UI on iOS App running on iPad and MacOS? TIA!
Nov ’24
iOS misleading users with payment notification timing
I'm getting really frustrated with emails from my App users who believe they've been charged for a free in-app purchase when they haven't. My App offers many in-app purchases of digital items and I give 4 of these away for free to let users get comfortable with how it works in-app. Over the last couple of years I've had a steady increase in angry emails from users who accuse me of fraud by charging them for a free item. I couldn't figure out for a while what this was as they would leave a 1 star rating, delete the app and ignore my emails for more information. Recently I had someone a bit more patient engage and explain it to me. The purchase for some reason popped up on my notifications right when I bought the [Free Item in my app]. It was from a movie I bought and the bill was delayed. The timing of that notification is what is misleading users about the free in-app purchase. Can someone take note of this please and perhaps delay any payment notifications so they aren't sent when the in-app purchase is for FREE? Thanks!
Jan ’24
CONSUMPTION_REQUEST x3 after success PUT (202) responses
I don't often get CONSUMPTION_REQUEST or indeed REFUND but when I do I receive the same CONSUMPTION_REQUEST 3 times, 8 hours apart, before I do get the REFUND notification several hours after the 3rd and final CONSUMPTION_REQUEST. The response I get from the PUT of /inApps/v1/transactions/consumption/{transactionId} is 202 so I can only assume it was accepted and good. Is the fact I received it 3 times an indication that it was poorly formatted or incorrect somehow? Is there anyway to test the consumption PUT? I've yet to see an in-app consumable that I received a CONSUMPTION_REQUEST for, that was 100% consumed, and wasn't REFUND_DECLINED. They have all been refunded to date. This makes me suspicious that I'm doing something wrong even though all the information I'm getting says otherwise?
Jan ’24
WidgetKit IntentHandler config tailored for each WidgetFamily type?
I've had a Widget available in an app that I publish since they first appeared in iOS14. They've used an intentDefinition file for 3 boolean switches to allow users to customise their appearance. Now with iOS16 I'm adding 2 lock screen widgets to this code. All done and it looks great. However the user configuration of these new widgets doesn't really fit the intent of the home screen Widgets. My question is how do I go about making the widget user configuration specific to each WidgetFamily type? I've had a look at the IntentHandler code and examples but it seems to be aimed more at dynamic enumerates or sub classed types. What is the correct way to achieve what I'm trying to attempt?
Sep ’22
Could not find a navigation controller for segue. Random Crash for years now...
I've been seeing this crash happening for a few years now. It's rare and unreproducible. The App's storyboard is large and it can occur on any segue and randomly it seems Could not find a navigation controller for segue 'some-segue-on-storyboard'. Push segues can only be used when the source controller is managed by an instance of UINavigationController. I've tried various things to prevent it. Double checked it was on the main thread to keep the UI happy and assumed all this time that it was just an iOS glitch/bug that Apple would get around to fixing. That or it is a side effect of low memory. Anyone got any suggestions for how to fix or what to investigate?
Mar ’22