Has anyone gotten this to work without downloading iOS 18?
Have you figured this out?
Were you able to get AVSpeechSynthesizer to work in IPA mode? I'm trying to figure this one out.
Did you get an answer?
I am able to force quit, but it still lags when I restart Xcode & even restart my Mac Pro.
iOS 17 emulator? Is that the same as simulator?
I found it. MFi Program.
Do you have a solution for this now that Xcode 15 has been released?
I have no idea what PosterBoard is. One of the questions in Apple Forums indicated it had something to do with Simulator as I understand it, but I would think an actual device would also have common software with Simulator. But I still believe I don't know.
Hi @kontiki, have you figured out how to get the highlightProperty of CNContactViewController to work?
I have the same problem that the property doesn't get highlighted, except the error message is:
"[PPT] Error creating the CFMessagePort needed to communicate with PPT."
Is there a current solution or workaround?
Would this work if use it from my Share Controller to tell the user that the act of sharing occurred or succeeded when the user uses my share extension by telling an app to share with my app?
Does this apply to Xcode iOS projects too?
Hey KMT,
I haven't been able to get answers to my posts. What do I need to do about this?
Here's my code below. The textfield is outside of the table view. I do use reloadRows. I call it from textField(:charactersShouldChangeIn::). It reloads the row so that the table view cell in the row shows the current state of text field's text property before the text property is updated with the change the user made.
self.temporaryMessageBeingEdited?.subject is type String, as you must realize. This temporaryMessageBeingEdited object is in the array the table view uses at the same chronological position as the table view row that is reloaded as must be obvious to you.
Neither the textDidChange(:) nor the textWillChange(:) ever fires, though the other two callback methods of the UITextInputDelegate do fire when I test the code by typing into the text field during run time.
// MARK: - UITextFieldDelegate
extension MessagesViewController: UITextFieldDelegate {
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
print("#", #function)
guard string != "\n" else {
return false
self.temporaryMessageBeingEdited?.subject = self.textFieldSubject.text
if let guardedIndexPathToReload = self.indexPathOfMessageBeingEdited {
self.tableView.reloadRows(at: [guardedIndexPathToReload], with: .none)
return true
// MARK: - UITextInputDelegate
extension MessagesViewController: UITextInputDelegate {
func selectionWillChange(_ textInput: UITextInput?) {
print("#", #function)
func selectionDidChange(_ textInput: UITextInput?) {
print("#", #function)
func textWillChange(_ textInput: UITextInput?) {
print("#", #function)
func textDidChange(_ textInput: UITextInput?) {
print("#", #function)