We are developing an iOS app to connect to vehicles and trigger predefined vehicle controls (door lock/unlock) via the Digital Key framework.
We are currently blocked on several aspects and would appreciate your expertise to clarify the following queries.
How can we list down connected vehicle information?
What is the method to retrieve connection status?
How can we perform vehicle control actions (e.g., door lock/unlock)?
Starting the CarKeyRemoteControlSession to Fetch Vehicle Reports
Currently, we are using the following API to start a CarKeyRemoteControlSession:
open class func start(
delegate: any CarKeyRemoteControlSessionDelegate,
subscriptionRange subscriptionFunctionIDRange: ClosedRange? = nil,
with delegateCallbackQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil
) async throws -> CarKeyRemoteControlSession
After successfully creating the session, we check for vehicle reports using the vehicleReports property of CarKeyRemoteControlSession:
public var vehicleReports: [VehicleReport] { get throws }