




Subscription Paywall Stuck on 'Loading Subscription': Works in Debug, Stuck in TestFlight/Production
Fellow Developers, I'm encountering a strange issue with subscriptions. My paywall properly fetches the products in debug mode when my device is connected to Xcode using a StoreKit Configuration file synced to the app in App Store Connect. However, when I test the app on TestFlight or in production, the paywall only shows "Loading Subscription." I use the SwiftUI: SubscriptionStoreView(productIDs: { $ }) { // Subscription paywall content here } Since it works flawlessly with the StoreKit Configuration file in debug mode, I believe I can rule out issues with my SubscriptionManager logic or naming typos. Subscriptions are approved in App Store Connect. What could I be missing here? Thank you!
Jan ’25
Unwanted "More" button in tabView when selected tab is in 5th position and beyond
Hello SwiftUI devs, I would like to remove the "More" button that appears in the top left of the screen whenever the selected tab of a tab view is in 5th position and beyond. It ruins the layout. struct ContentView: View { private let tabs = (1...10).map { "\($0)" } @State private var selectedTab: String = "5" var body: some View { TabView(selection: $selectedTab) { ForEach(tabs, id: \.self) { tab in Text("Tab \(tab)") .tabItem { Label("Tab \(tab)", systemImage: "star") } .toolbar(.hidden, for: .tabBar) } } } } At first glance, one easy fix would be to rearrange the tabs list in the ForEach loop, putting the selected tab at the first position. This does the trick BUT we lose the states of the views, which is out of the question in my use-case. Getting rid of the tab view and handling the logic with a simple Switch paired with a state restoration mechanism using SceneStorage or SwiftData is probably possible but sounds like a white elephant compared to finding a solution to remove that "More" button. Thank you
Jan ’24