




Redeeming Apple Developer Program Benefits from Swift Student Challenge
Hi, I’m a 2 time Swift Student Challenge Winner (2021 and 2022). I was under 18 when I won the challenges, but I recently turned 18 and want to redeem my free Apple Developer Program Membership benefits. However, I had problems with my Apple Developer Account, so I contacted Apple Developer Support and they told me that there was something wrong with my Apple Account and they didn't know anything bout Swift Student Challenge Apple Developer Program Memberships. When I try to click the “enroll” button on the Apple Developer Website all it says is "Your enrollment in the Apple Developer Program could not be completed at this time.” I emailed swiftstudentchallenge[at] but didn't get a reply back either. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to someone who I could contact to resolve this issue.
Can not scroll on top of navigationLink with LongPressGesture
I Am Aware that with a button you can just add a tap gesture before the longHoldGesture to make it scrollable again, but I do not know how to fix not being able to scroll on top of a navigation link that has a long-press gesture. Could anyone help me out here? Thanks In advance, here is the code of the situation I recreated:struct ContentView: View{ var body: some View{ NavigationView{ ScrollView{ VStack{ ForEach(1...10, id: \.self){ index in NavigationLink(destination: TestView(), label: { Text("test link") }).simultaneousGesture(LongPressGesture().onEnded{_ in }) } } } } } } struct TestView: View{ var body: some View{ Text("Hello there") } }
Jun ’20