I'm trying to develop an immersive visionOS app, which you can move an Entity having a PerspectiveCamera as its child in immersive space, and render the camera view on 2D window.
According to this thread, this seems to can be achieved using RealityRenderer. But when I added the scene entity loaded from realityKitContentBundle to realityRenderer.entities, I needed to clone all entities of the scene, otherwise all entities in the immersive space will disappear.
final class OffscreenRenderModel {
private let renderer: RealityRenderer
private let colorTexture: MTLTexture
init(scene: Entity) throws {
renderer = try RealityRenderer()
// If not clone entities in the scene, all entities in the immersive space will disappear
renderer.entities.append(scene.clone(recursive: true))
let camera = PerspectiveCamera()
renderer.activeCamera = camera
Is this the expected behavior? Or is there any other way to do this (move camera in immersive space and render its output on 2D window)?
Here is my sample code: