




iOS 12 VPN "Update Required"
Hi Guys,we have developed an VPN application for iOS 10, that basically just installs a VPN profile (developed using NETunnelProviderManager) that sets a special DNS for evey request to block malicious websites system-wide, that's it.Out can worked great under iOS 10 and even under iOS 11. But since updating the OS of the device to iOS 12, there is a "Update required" directly on the VPN profile:My question now is, did anybody else faced that problem?Because we already updated XCode, compiled the app for Deployment Target iOS 12, updated the application through the App Store, we already talked to the Apple Supported, that saif we should try using the develop forums so, can anybody htell us WHAT we should update to get rid off this message? The VPN profile itself still works, meaning the malicious websites still get blocked. But the label "Update Required" should vanish, but what should we do?Kind Regards,Mario
Oct ’18