




Issue with handoff between Siri intent, iOS app & CarPlay extension
We are experiencing an infrequent issue with the handoff between our Siri intent, our iOS app, and our CarPlay extension. Siri correctly understands the request, and the handler(for intent: INIntent) method is called. In the final step, we respond using: INStartCallIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: userActivity) with an instance of NSUserActivity initialized as: NSUserActivity(activityType: "our.unique.StartCallIntent") This "our.unique.StartCallIntent" type is included in the app’s NSUserActivityTypes attribute within the Info.plist. The callback is handled in the main view of the app through: view.onContinueUserActivity("our.unique.StartCallIntent", perform: handleSiriIntent) Additionally, we handle the callback in the CarPlay extension using: func scene(_: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity) This is necessary because when Siri is invoked while CarPlay is active, the CarPlay extension should receive the callback. Most of the time, both callbacks are triggered as expected. However, on rare occasions, the handoff fails, and neither onContinueUserActivity nor scene(_: UIScene, continue userActivity:) receives a callback from the Siri intent. Is this a known issue? If so, are there any guidelines or best practices for ensuring that our Siri intent handoff consistently triggers the callbacks?
Nov ’24