




Unity Apple Plugin Accessibility Voice over issue with focus
I am trying to implement voice over to my game, and have encountered an issue where a static text will take focus of all other interactions. I have a tutorial scene where I have one short "static text" accessibility node, but rest of gameplay is without such. This static text field occupies small part of screen and works fine, but I am not able to click on anything else, including any of my gameplay elements, wherever on the screen I click, it just re-highlights that static text. It there a requirement for all elements to use Accessibility Nodes and can't have mixed setup with some not having them ? How can I get around it? Question number 2: What decides which Accessibility node gets selected when entering a new UI screen, I have multiple buttons and am observing rather random behaviour, every time different button is highlighted first. Question number 3: The plugin documentation mentiones runtime support in play mode, are there any specific steps for this to work as I can't seem to be able to. I have VoiceOver enabled on macOS unity is on macOS (also tried iOS) platform but it doesn't seem to do anything. Note my buttons and label accessibility nodes work correctly on iOS build. Thanks in advance for any help
Jan ’25