I am developing an application that uses NetworkExtension (Local PUSH function) And VoIP(APNs) PUSH.
Nowadays, I found a problem on this app doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an APNs PUSH.
My confimation result of my app and server log is below.
11:00 AM:
my server(PBX) requests a VoIP(APNs) PUSH notification to the APNs.
But my app does not receive the VoIP(APNs) PUSH.
At this time, my app is running on LAN (Wi-Fi without internet connection), as a result, NetworkExtension was running. so I think this is normal behaviour.
14:55:11 PM:
There is an incoming call from the my server(PBX) via local net, and NetworkExtension calls iOS API(API name is reportIncomingCall).
However, iOS does not call the delegate didReceiveIncomingCallWithUserInfo for the reportIncomingCall.
14:55:11 PM:
At almost the same time, iOS calls the delegate cdidReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload of VoIP PUSH.
(instead of call the delegate didReceiveIncomingCallWithUserInfo for the reportIncomingCall?)
And the content of this VoIP(APNs) PUSH was the incoming call at "11:00 AM".
In other words, the VoIP(APNs) PUSH at 11:00 AM is stuck inside iOS, and at 14:55:11 PM, from NetworkExtension reports it.
I feel there is a problem on iOS doesn't handle incoming call of Local PUSH when receiving a Local PUSH after receiving an VoIP(APNs) PUSH.
Would you tell me Apple's opioion about this?
If this is known problem, Please tell me about it.
I tried below at 2:00 PM on 21/01/2025(JST).
Apple Push Notification service server certificate update
I followed above,
a new server certificate: "SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate" was added to my push server, but a certificate error occurred and push notifications could not be sent.
So I refered this article,Instead of connecting via DNS name resolution at api.development.push.apple.com,
I fixed api.development.push.apple.com to "" in /etc/hosts,
I could push notifications with the new server certificate.
(I got this IP( from this airtcle)
From this, I suspect that Apple had not yet updated the APNs certificate (CA) for the Sandbox environment as of 2:00 PM on January 21, 2025 (JST).
Was the update published as scheduled?
I am developing "local push" VoIP application.
I have a question about issues I found while testing this app.
After repeating a test for 24 hours in which a incoming call followed by an immediate disconnect 0.1 seconds later,
the iPhone of incommig call side encountered a 0xBAADCA11 error, causing iOS to force-close the app.
(The incidence is low, occurring three times in 17280 times incoming call(24 hours.))
This problem found on iOS17.6.1 (iPhone11Pro).
When the same test was performed on iOS18.2 (iPhoneSE3), the problem did not occur.
Did iOS take something measures against the 0xBAADCA11 error between iOS17.6.1 and iOS18.2?
If yes, I want to encourage customers to upgrade to the latest iOS version, please tell me about it?
※I have attached an ips files and sysdiagnose file of the 0xBAADCA11 error occurring. (please refer sysdiagnose also if you need.)
Currently, our provider server uses token-based authentication with APNs.
In addition, to establish a connection with APNs, we have installed the "AAACertificateServices 5/12/2020" certificate from the "Sectigo KnowledgeBase website" on the provider server.
Question 1
Do I need to update the server certificate of the Apple Push Notification Service at the following URL for the above provider server?
Question 2
If registration is required, how long will it be valid for?
Root certificate
Token-based authentication
I am creating a VoIP application. The VoIP application needs to send and receive RTP packets at 20 ms intervals.
The application calls sendto() of the Socket API at 20 ms intervals, but the iPhone buffers the send data inside iOS and then sends RTP packets in batches at 1 second intervals.
(I captured the sned packets of iPhone with rvctl and confirmed this. please reffer "Sending at 1 second intervals.png" for detail)
Similarly, other devices send RTP packets to the iPhone at 20 millisecond intervals,
but the iPhone only receives them at 1 second intervals.
(please reffer "Receiving at 1 second intervals.png" for detail)
Why is this?
If the cause of the delay is in the Wi-Fi protocol and the cause can be found from sysdiagnose,
please tell me the search key for sysdiagnose that shows the cause of the delay and the meaning of the corresponding log.
I uploaded sysdiagnose and result of lan capture to below.
[sysdiagnose and lan capture]
And, the start and end times, packet number in the lan capture of the call shown in the png example are below
Start time; 13:57:22.349608/packet number; 948
End time; 13:57:37.482874/packet number; 2583
Why does E210002 error occur only when launched svnserve via launchctl?
When I start svnserve with
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d -r /Volumes/RAID1disk/svn
and run
$ svn commit -m "test1",
svn commit succeeds, but when I start svnserve with
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist
and run
$ svn commit -m "test2",
svn commit fails and displays the following error:
Committing transaction...
svn: E210002: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly
After the E210002 error, I ran
$ ps aux | grep svnserve
and got the following result.
toshiyuki 67686 0.0 0.0 34252296 700 s000 S+ 10:13AM 0:00.00 grep svnserve
root 35267 0.0 0.0 34302936 592 ?? Ss 10:01AM 0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d -r /Volumes/RAID1disk/svn
From this, I believe that svnserve is launched as the root user from launchctl.
Also, when I ran
$ls -l /volumes/raid1disk/svn
the following result was obtained.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 246 7 23 22:31 README.txt
drwxrwxr-x 6 root wheel 192 7 24 06:31 conf
drwxrwxr-x 17 root wheel 544 7 24 10:01 db
-r--rw-r-- 1 root wheel 2 7 23 22:31 format
drwxrwxr-x 11 root wheel 352 7 23 22:31 hooks
drwxrwxr-x 4 root wheel 128 7 23 22:31 locks
so, svnserve has write access to the repository.
If I start svnserve with
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/svnserve -d -r /Volumes/RAID1disk/svn
instead of
$ sudo launchctl load -w
both svn commit and svn chekout always succeed,
so I think there is no problem with the svnserve configuration file
(/etc/svnserve.conf or the file in /etc/svnserve.conf.d).
I think the plist of launchctl is also correct.
because If I start svnserve with
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist
only svn chekout always succeeds (commit fails, though).
The contents of the plist of launchctl file are as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Also, the execution result of
$ls -l /library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist
is as follows.
-rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 929 7 24 10:29 /library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist
But when I start svnserve with
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.toshiyuki.svnserve.plist
"svn commit" always fails.
Why is this?
When I check the /var/log/svn/svnserve.log file,
svnserve: E000048:Address already in use
errors occured periodically.
Users of my app have reported that they are sometimes unable to receive Voice-over-IP (VoIP) push notifications when using a SIM.
(There is no problem when using WiFi)
VoIP push notifications were not received during the following period.
Could you confirm diagnostic logs and could you please tell me why my app can't receive VoIP push?
[diagnostic logs]
[Problem period]
2024/06/17 05:34:59 - 2024/06/17 09:04:42
Number of times that the push server pushed and it received a normal APNs response: 31
Number of times that iPhone received pushes: 0
2024/06/17 23:05:03 - 2024/06/18 09:02:16
Number of times that the push server pushed and it received a normal APNs response: 192
Number of times that iPhone received pushes: 0
2024/06/15 00:35:56 - 2024/06/15 09:55:57
Number of times that the push server pushed and it received a normal APNs response: 138
Number of times that iPhone received pushes: 0
iOS Development environment: Xcode 15.0, macOS 14.4.1, Objective-C
Run-time configuration: iOS 17.2.1,
What is the general approach to analyzing cpu_resource_fatal.ips? Is there a standard way to analyze it? (Instruments are not available in this analysis, because this is only occurs on the customer's iPhone.)
Also, can this file be symbolicate?
Attachment file is a sample ips file.
Development environment: Xcode 15.0, macOS 14.4.1, Objective-C
Run-time configuration: iOS 17.2.1,
I am developing an application that uses NetworkExtension (VoIP local push function).
But iOS sometimes doesn't call didActivateAudioSession after following sequence.
Would you tell me why iOS doesn't call didActivateAudioSession ?
(I said "sometimes", but once it occurs, it will occur repeatedly)
myApp --- CXStartCallAction --->iOS
myApp <-- performStartCallAction callback --- iOS
myApp --- AVAudioSession
AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord --->iOS
myApp --- AVAudioSession
AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat --->iOS
myApp <-- didActivateAudioSession callback ----iOS
I suspect that myApp cannot acquire an AVAudioSession if another app is already using AVAudioSession.
Is my guess correct? Should I consider another cause?
If my guess is correct, how can I prove if another app is already using an AVAudioSession?
This issue is based on a customer complaint, but the customer said they don't use any other apps.
Best Regards,