I'm not sure if this is even the right place to ask this, or voice this complaint if there's no fix. If not, please direct me where to go.
I'm trying to switch all my development over to Safari, but the tab sidebar is driving me absolutely insane.
Let's say I have a bunch of tab groups expanded, and I collapse the sidebar to focus on the webapp I am building. When I toggle to show the sidebar again, every single tab group is collapsed.
Why is it 2 clicks to see the tabs in the sidebar?
Even with zero tab groups, and just tabs in the workspace, if you collapse the sidebar it'll collapse the list of tabs.
Is there some hidden setting for this? Who do we have to complain to?
Trying to enroll in the Developer program at https://developer.apple.com/account and there's an "Enroll" link. Clicking it just reloads the page. Disabled all extensions, does the same thing. Tried every browser, on three computers. The enroll button is completely dead.
I click support down at the bottom, that goes back to this page again. There is no support other than the forums?
I'm trying to develop in Xcode and my keyboard on my computer is Dvorak, my iPhone is Dvorak, but the iPhone in the Canvas is QWERTY and whenever I type anything into it all I get back is gibberish?
How do I change the keyboard layout of the canvas iOS device to match my system??