I want to display device activity reports for particular selected apps. for getting a daily basis app uses time. Now, what is happening? there are 10 apps selected from the family activity picker but some apps are displayed in the list. I need all 10 apps or more that I will choose from the family activity picker. The bellow code is used for fetching reports.
var body: some View {
VStack {
DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter)
bellow code is used for the filter
@State public var filter = DeviceActivityFilter()
init(selectedApps: Set<ApplicationToken>, selectedCategories: Set<ActivityCategoryToken>, selectedWebDomains: Set<WebDomainToken>) {
self.selectedApps = selectedApps
self.selectedCategories = selectedCategories
self.selectedWebDomains = selectedWebDomains
self.filter = DeviceActivityFilter(
segment: .daily(
during: Calendar.current.dateInterval(
of: .weekOfYear, for: .now
users: .all,
devices: .init([.iPhone]),
applications: selectedApps,
categories: selectedCategories,
webDomains: selectedWebDomains
You can see we selected 3 apps from family activity picker but we getting 2 apps from DeviceActivityReport extension
following code is for device activity report extension
let context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .totalActivity
// Define the custom configuration and the resulting view for this report.
let content: (ActivityReport) -> TotalActivityView
func makeConfiguration(representing data: DeviceActivityResults<DeviceActivityData>) async -> ActivityReport {
// Reformat the data into a configuration that can be used to create
// the report's view.
var res = ""
var list: [AppDeviceActivity] = []
let totalActivityDuration = await data.flatMap { $0.activitySegments }.reduce(0, {
$0 + $1.totalActivityDuration
for await d in data {
res += d.user.appleID!.debugDescription
res += d.lastUpdatedDate.description
for await a in d.activitySegments{
res += a.totalActivityDuration.formatted()
for await c in a.categories {
for await ap in c.applications {
if let apptoken = ap.application.token {
let appName = (ap.application.localizedDisplayName ?? "nil")
let bundle = (ap.application.bundleIdentifier ?? "nil")
let duration = ap.totalActivityDuration
let numberOfPickups = ap.numberOfPickups
let app = AppDeviceActivity(appToken: apptoken, id: bundle, displayName: appName, duration: duration, numberOfPickups: numberOfPickups)
return ActivityReport(totalDuration: totalActivityDuration, apps: list)
I am working on the device activity report. and fetched data is loading on the chart. I am developing app using TabbarController. when I go to another tab and come back to the chart screen, it disappears.
Here, I am working on a storyboard using Swift language, and device activity reports can be fetched only with SwiftUI. So, the problem is with it? Following the current code.
@State private var context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .init(rawValue: "Daily Activity")
@State private var report: DeviceActivityReport?
@State private var filter = DeviceActivityFilter(
segment: .daily(
during: Calendar.current.dateInterval(
of: .day, for: .now
// users: .all
// devices: .init([.iPhone, .iPad])
@State var isReload: Bool = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if isReload {
LoadingView(title: "Data is loading...")
} else if let report = report {
} else {
DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter)
.onAppear {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
report = DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter)
struct LoadingView: View {
var title: String = "Please wait..."
var body: some View {
HStack {
.font(.system(size: 14, weight: .medium))
When I try to load the device activity report, it takes too long to load data. Is this because of development time? Will the problem be solved when the app is live on the App Store?
If it does not depend on the development profile, then please give me a solution for the fast data loading in the device activity report extension.
Thank you
/Users/varunashokbhaisidpara/Desktop/Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 5.43.44 PM.png
This error occurs When I try to upload an app on the test flight or App Store. I checked "Automatically manage signing" in the main target. and i have added extensions DeviceActivityMonitorExtension, ShieldConfigurationExtension, ShieldActionExtension, DeviceActivityReport. and all have selected "Automatically manage signing" in the target > signing and capability.
pls provide me with an exact solution set by step.
Thank you
I want to display device activity reports for particular selected apps. for getting a daily basis app uses time. Now, what is happening? there are 10 apps selected from the family activity picker but some apps are displayed in the list. I need all 10 apps or more that I will choose from the family activity picker. The bellow code is used for fetching reports.
var body: some View {
VStack {
DeviceActivityReport(context, filter: filter)
bellow code is used for the filter
@State public var filter = DeviceActivityFilter()
init(selectedApps: Set<ApplicationToken>, selectedCategories: Set<ActivityCategoryToken>, selectedWebDomains: Set<WebDomainToken>) {
self.selectedApps = selectedApps
self.selectedCategories = selectedCategories
self.selectedWebDomains = selectedWebDomains
self.filter = DeviceActivityFilter(
segment: .daily(
during: Calendar.current.dateInterval(
of: .weekOfYear, for: .now
users: .all,
devices: .init([.iPhone]),
applications: selectedApps,
categories: selectedCategories,
webDomains: selectedWebDomains
You can see we selected 3 apps from family activity picker but we getting 2 apps from DeviceActivityReport extension
following code is for device activity report extension
let context: DeviceActivityReport.Context = .totalActivity
// Define the custom configuration and the resulting view for this report.
let content: (ActivityReport) -> TotalActivityView
func makeConfiguration(representing data: DeviceActivityResults<DeviceActivityData>) async -> ActivityReport {
// Reformat the data into a configuration that can be used to create
// the report's view.
var res = ""
var list: [AppDeviceActivity] = []
let totalActivityDuration = await data.flatMap { $0.activitySegments }.reduce(0, {
$0 + $1.totalActivityDuration
for await d in data {
res += d.user.appleID!.debugDescription
res += d.lastUpdatedDate.description
for await a in d.activitySegments{
res += a.totalActivityDuration.formatted()
for await c in a.categories {
for await ap in c.applications {
if let apptoken = ap.application.token {
let appName = (ap.application.localizedDisplayName ?? "nil")
let bundle = (ap.application.bundleIdentifier ?? "nil")
let duration = ap.totalActivityDuration
let numberOfPickups = ap.numberOfPickups
let app = AppDeviceActivity(appToken: apptoken, id: bundle, displayName: appName, duration: duration, numberOfPickups: numberOfPickups)
return ActivityReport(totalDuration: totalActivityDuration, apps: list)