




Inquiry Regarding Differences in Wi-Fi Authentication and Encryption Between iPhone 16 Series and Other iOS 18.3 Devices
I am trying to connect an iPhone 16 (iOS 18.3) to a Wi-Fi device with the SSID "DIRECT-DR_6930_KP201128", but every time, without being able to enter the Wi-Fi password, the message "Unable to join the network 'DIRECT-DR_6930_KP201128'" is displayed. Below are the system logs from the connection failure. Could you please tell me the cause of the connection failure? By the way, an iPhone SE 2nd (iOS 18.2.1) can connect to the same Wi-Fi device without any issues. System Logs: ・Jan 31 19:18:14 900-iPhone-16-docomo Preferences(WiFiKit)[351] : {ASSOC-} association finished for DIRECT-DR_6930_KP201128 - success 0 ・Jan 31 19:18:14 900-iPhone-16-docomo runningboardd(RunningBoard)[33] : Assertion 33-351-4412 (target:[app<>:351]) will be created as inactive as start-time-defining assertions exist ・Jan 31 19:18:14 900-iPhone-16-docomo Preferences(WiFiKit)[351] : association failure: (error Error Code=12 "Unknown Error" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Unknown Error, NSUnderlyingError=0x303307660 {Error Code=-3938 "(null)"}}) ・Jan 31 19:18:14 900-iPhone-16-docomo Preferences(WiFiKit)[351] : dismissing credentials view controller for DIRECT-DR_6930_KP201128
Feb ’25
Inquiry Regarding Differences in Wi-Fi Authentication and Encryption Between iPhone 16 Series and Other iOS 18.0 Devices
Dear Apple Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek clarification on a specific aspect of Wi-Fi connectivity related to the iPhone 16 series running iOS 18.0. We have encountered an issue where the iPhone 16 series devices fail to connect to Wi-Fi networks, and this failure subsequently affects other devices running iOS 18.0. To better understand the root cause of this issue, I would like to inquire about the differences in the "authentication and encryption" processes between the iPhone 16 series running iOS 18.0 and other devices running iOS 18.0. Specifically, are there any changes or updates in the Wi-Fi authentication and encryption mechanisms that are unique to the iPhone 16 series? Understanding these differences will greatly assist us in diagnosing and resolving the connectivity issues we are experiencing. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your prompt response. Best regards, WJohn
Dec ’24
Issue with Wi-Fi Connection on iOS 18.0 iPhone 16 Series
When I try to connect to a Wi-Fi network with iPhone16 (iOS18), the following pop-up appears. Please tell me the conditions under which this pop-up appears. Additionally, upon investigating the surrounding wireless signals, there were no other wireless devices on the same channel band." [Pop-up] Unable to join the network "〇〇〇〇" This network is operating on Wi-Fi channels in use by several other nearby networks. Restarting your wireless router may allow it to automatically choose the best channel to use, and may resolve this problem. Also, I can connect to a Wi-Fi network without any problems with iPhoneSE2 (iOS18). However, after displaying the above pop-up on iPhone16 (iOS18), when I try to connect to a Wi-Fi network with iPhoneSE2 (iOS18), the following pop-up appears. The content of this pop-up is different from the pop-up displayed on iPhone16 (iOS18). Please tell me the reason why the content of the pop-up is different. [Pop-up] Unable to join the network "〇〇〇〇" Please check and reply.
Nov ’24
Issue with Wi-Fi Connection on iOS 18.0 iPhone 16 Series
Dear Apple Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to report an issue I have encountered with Wi-Fi connectivity on my iPhone 16 series running iOS 18.0. The problem occurs as follows: When attempting to connect my iPhone 16 series (iOS 18.0) to a Wi-Fi network, the connection always fails. After this failed attempt, any other iPhone (not from the 16 series) running iOS 18.0 also fails to connect to the same Wi-Fi network. However, if I restart the Wi-Fi router, the non-iPhone 16 series devices can successfully connect to the Wi-Fi network. To further investigate, I used Wireshark to monitor the network traffic. I observed that the iPhone sends a DHCP Discover message, but the Wi-Fi router does not respond with a DHCP Offer message. Based on these observations, it appears that the issue is triggered by the iPhone 16 series running iOS 18.0, which causes the Wi-Fi router to malfunction and prevents other devices from connecting. Additionally, I have tried all the steps listed on the following site, but the issue persists: Could you please investigate this issue and provide guidance on how to resolve it? If this is a known bug, is there a planned update to address it? Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your prompt response. Best regards, WJohn
Nov ’24
Inquiry About Using notarytool on a Separate Machine for Notarizing macOS Apps
Hello, I am currently developing a macOS application using macOS 10.15.7 and Xcode 11.1. My application is distributed directly to users via a server, not through the App Store. I recently came across the following announcement: "Starting November 1, 2023, the Apple notary service no longer accepts uploads from altool or Xcode 13 or earlier. If you notarize your Mac software with the Apple notary service using the altool command-line utility or Xcode 13 or earlier, you need to transition to the notarytool command-line utility or upgrade to Xcode 14 or later." Given this change, I understand that I need to use notarytool or upgrade to Xcode 14 or later for notarization. However, upgrading my current development environment is not feasible at the moment. I would like to know if it is possible to build my application on my current environment (macOS 10.15.7 and Xcode 11.1) and then transfer the built application to a separate machine running macOS 11.0 or later with Xcode 14 or later installed, to perform the notarization using notarytool. Could you please confirm if this approach is acceptable and if there are any specific steps or considerations I should be aware of when using notarytool on a separate machine for notarizing my application? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, WJohn
Jul ’24
Issue with vlc-ios HTTP POST method for streaming playback on iOS17
I'm developing an iOS app for video playback using the external library vlc-ios, Prior to iOS17, I was able to achieve streaming playback of mp4 files hosted on a server using the vlc-ios librarys's HTTP POST method. However, after iOS17, this streaming playback no longer functions. Upon inspecting the logs, there were no traces of vlc-ios receiving data from iPhone device. Does anyone know the cause of this issue? Additionally, the occurrence condition is when the environment is iOS17 and the sim's 5G communication is enabled.
Feb ’24
Regarding the issue of not being able to identify the Wi-Fi interface of an iPhone device
I am obtaining the IP address in the Wi-Fi connection of an iPhone using the following source code. Howerver, I obtained completely different results on different models (iPhone XR, iPhone 13) with the same OS (iOS16.4.1). Do you happen to know the cause of this? 【Code】 class Wifi { enum connectionStatusItem { case unknown case onlineWifi } class func connectionStatus() -> connectionStatusItem { var valid = false //Get list of all interfaces on the iPhone var ifa : UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>? = nil if getifaddrs(&ifa) == 0 { var p = ifa //For each interface while p != nil { defer { p = p?.pointee.ifa_next } let ifp = p?.pointee let fam = ifp?.ifa_addr.pointee.sa_family //Check for IPv4 or IPv6 interface if fam == UInt8(AF_INET) || fam == UInt8(AF_INET6) { //Check Wi-Fi interface //<-------------- 'if' statement not executing on iPhone13(iOS16.3.1) and iPhone13(iOS16.4.1) if String(cString: (ifp?.ifa_name)!) == "en0" { //Convert interface address to a human readable string var addr = ifp?.ifa_addr.pointee var host = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(NI_MAXHOST)) getnameinfo(&addr!, socklen_t((addr?.sa_len)!), &host, socklen_t(host.count), nil, socklen_t(0), NI_NUMERICHOST ) var hosts: String? hosts = String(cString: host) valid = hosts != nil } } } freeifaddrs(ifa) } let ret : connectionStatusItem = valid ? .onlineWifi : .unknown return ret } } 【Results】  success iPhone13【iOS 16.1.1】  success iPhone13【iOS 16.2.1】  failure iPhone13【iOS 16.3.1】 <------------------------- ✖  success iPhone13【iOS 16.4】  failure iPhone13【iOS 16.4.1】 <------------------------- ✖  success iPhoneXR【iOS 16.4.1】  success iPhone13【iOS 16.4.1(a)】
Jun ’23