




Results with spotlight in Core Data is not all.
I'm using Core Data to save data. Then I wanna add spotlight support. self.spotlightDelegate = StorageSpotlightDelegate(forStoreWith: description, coordinator: container.persistentStoreCoordinator) let isSpotlightDisable = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "isSpotlightDisable") if !isSpotlightDisable { self.toggleSpotlightIndexing(enable: true) } public func toggleSpotlightIndexing(enable: Bool) { guard let spotlightDelegate = spotlightDelegate else { return } if enable { spotlightDelegate.startSpotlightIndexing() } else { spotlightDelegate.stopSpotlightIndexing() spotlightDelegate.deleteSpotlightIndex { error in if let error = error { print(error) } } } UserDefaults.standard.set(!enable, forKey: "isSpotlightDisable") } It works fine on an iOS15 device, but not work on iOS 17&18. On iOS 18 devices, I can search the data when the first time to added to Core Data. But if I stop spotlight indexing and restart again, the data is never be searched. How can I to solve this? And I noticed that the problem is also exists in another dictionary app.
Nov ’24
UIButton action not called in UIHostingController
I have added a button in UIController: let button = UIButton(type: .custom) button.setTitle("test", for: .normal) button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(addToSiri), for: .touchUpInside) self.view.addSubview(button) Then using it in SwiftUI HStack { Controller() }.frame(maxWidth:.infinity, idealHeight: 60) And then using swiftUI in UIHostingController: let vc = UIHostingController(rootView: SwiftUIView()) But when I tap the button, the addToSiri is never called. I don't know why.
May ’24
InteractivePopGestureRecognizer is disabled after push to a UIHostingController with SwiftUI
I have pushed an UIHostingController which contains SwiftUI and set the navigationBar hidden: class CoverVC : UIHostingController<AnyView>{ public init(shouldShowNavigationBar: Bool, rootView: ICloudSyncView) { super.init(rootView: AnyView(rootView.navigationBarHidden(!shouldShowNavigationBar))) self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = self } @objc required dynamic init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } } extension CoverVC: UIGestureRecognizerDelegate { func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldBeRequiredToFailBy otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool { return true } } But the InteractivePopGestureRecognizer is disabled. How can I to solve this?
May ’24
How to keep the core data updated in app and extensions.
I'm using core data in app, widget extension and intent, but I found the data is not updated between targets. such as I added a new record in app, the widget is not updated unless remove the widget and re-add it. I added a new record in intent, the data in app is not updated unless I run the app again. I have set container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true but it doesn't work. So how can I make the data is updated no matter it is modified any targets.
May ’24
The file in app group container is still exsits when I install again after deleting the app?
I have copied an sqlite file from document to app group container. I found that if I delete the app and reinstall, the file is automatically created. How is that happed? The app group container is not just a folder and can be synchronized by iCloud? I cannot find any informations about the feature. If there is, please show me the link, thanks
Feb ’24
There was a problem with the app when running app from shortcuts
I wanna add an intents app extension on iOS 15, I'm following the link It works fine when running the extension target on device, but here comes the error "Could not run Make Uppercase,There was a problem with the app" when I running the main target. There is no exception or breakpoint in Xcode so I don't know what's the problem. Any help will be appreciate, thanks.
Jan ’24