I used the redemption code to test in the official environment and redeemed five consecutive pens. Then I received Apple's callback notification for the first and second penalties. The next three penalties did not receive the callback notification, and it was useless to restart the application multiple times. Has anyone encountered this situation
Test lost orders, cannot receive Apple callbacks on iOS13 and iOS14 systems, but iOS12 and below are good
steps: Monitor the transaction queue:
[SKPaymentQueue.defaultQueue addTransactionObserver:self];
Implementation protocol method:
-(void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions
2. Initiate a sandbox payment, after the payment is successful, kill the APP before receiving the callback
3. Restart the app. At this time, the protocol method in iOS13 and iOS14-(void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions cannot receive the callback, but iOS12 and below systems can receive it
This situation began to appear in February, before iOS13 and iOS14 were good.
Has anyone else encountered this situation?
We use store kit original API for in-app purchase,I set a UUID to the SKMutablePayment object applicationUsername property, when finish the payment, In the App Store Server API, the JWSTransactionDecodedPayload object returns no appAccountToken field.This probability is extremely small, about 17 in 100,000.Does anyone have the same situation?
After March 13th, we uploaded IPA packages without a privacy manifest and we still haven't received a warning email from AppStore Connect. So even if we add a privacy manifest, we still can't verify that the privacy manifest we've added in the IPA is correct. Has anyone encountered this situation, is Apple grayscale releasing this feature?
Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1202 "The certificate for this server is invalid. You may be connecting to a server masquerading as a "auth-sandbox.itunes.apple.com", which threatens the security of your confidential information. "