




Reply to How to Drop Entity in SwiftData and CloudKit?
Wow! Now I understand, thank you very much. This has been very insightful. Building up on the previous example, what could be possible causes why didMigrate is not being called? I wrote a print statement and some code, but it's never run. static let migrateV1toV2 = MigrationStage.custom( fromVersion: SchemaV1.self, toVersion: SchemaV2.self, willMigrate: nil, didMigrate: { context in print("Running Post Migration") // post-migration code here } ) My current workaround was to run the post-migration code outside the MigrationStage.
Jan ’25
Reply to Automatic lightweight migrations in SwiftData VersionedSchema?
I've experimented with it a bit and these are what I found out. There are no automatic lightweight migrations, you have to write every changes to your model in the migration If you do not create a lightweight migrations, your app will crash. CONCLUSION: If you have transitioned to a VersionedSchema, you now have to write every lchanges to your model in the migration or else your app will crash.
Dec ’24