@DTS Engineer I have the same issue, and follow the documentation you provided for an existing app, but still cannot see the folder in iCloud Drive, although it exists there to be seen with Terminal. I tried with new projects, this works. I do the following:
Add iCloud tab in Signing & Capabilities, and tick "iCloud Documents", then create a Container.
add info.plist and fill NSUbiquitousContainers with my own Container's name.
In code, create a text file at FileManager.default.url(forUbiquityContainerIdentifier: nil)?.appending(component: "Documents")
I also tried increasing the Build number, or even main version number, but in vain. The documentation reads: "The system only updates an app’s iCloud container metadata when detecting a new version". Can you explain how does this work exactly? Where does the system stores the former version of my app. Can I let my system "forget" my app, so I can start the version over again, by deleting that version file?
Also, how can I solve it for my existing app?