




PHPhotoLibrary availability detection/notification
Hi, I'm having difficulties figuring out how I can reliably detect if the macOS system PHPhotoLibrary is available. If I place the system Photo Library on an external drive and then eject it, other apps on startup, such as Photos, will tell me that the library isn't available. How can I replicate this behavior? The only API I can find for this detection on startup is "PHPhotoLibrary.shared().unavailabilityReason". However this always returns nil. Another strange behavior is if I register a PHPhotoLibraryAvailabilityObserver class on startup when the library is available and then eject the drive, I do get a notification via photoLibraryDidBecomeUnavailable, but then directly after the call the app is terminated. This prevents the app to perform any kind of graceful termination. Is this the expected behavior? It would make sense that it's up to the developer to decide what happens if the library becomes unavailable. Thanks
Nov ’24
Offloading task from the cooperative thread pool
Hi, When using Swift Concurrency blocking tasks like file I/O, GPU work and networking can prevent forward moving progress and have the potential to exhaust the cooperative thread pool and under utilize the CPU. It's been recommended to offload these tasks from the cooperative thread pool. Is my understanding correct that the preferred way to do this is by creating async tasks via Dispatch or OperationQueue? And combining these with Continuations if a return value from the task is required? Or should I always be using Continuations in combination with Dispatch/OperationQueue? There are also Executors but the documentation seems a bit limited on how to use these. The new TaskExecutor is also only available on the latest beta's. My question is basically what is the recommend way to offload a task? Thanks!
Jun ’24
Metal and Swift Concurrency
Hi, Introducing Swift Concurrency to my Metal app has been a bit challenging as Swift Concurrency is limited by the cooperative thread pool. GPU work is obviously not CPU bound and can block forward moving progress, especially when using waitUntilCompleted on the command buffer. For concurrent render work this has the potential of under utilizing the CPU and even creating dead locks. My question is, what is the Metal's teams general recommendation when it comes to concurrency? It seems to me that Dispatch or OperationQueues are still the preferred way for Metal bound tasks in order to gain maximum performance? To integrate with Swift Concurrency my idea is to use continuations that kick off render jobs via Dispatch or Queues? Would this be the best solution to bridge async tasks with Metal work? Thanks!
Jun ’24