I am looking for a lightweight server that can run inside an app.
The key requirement is that it must support local IP communication over HTTPS.
I have searched Google and found several frameworks, but as far as I know, support for HTTPS in this environment has been discontinued or is no longer available.
If anyone knows a solution that meets these criteria, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.
Thank you in advance!😀
I'm posting a question here as I have encountered an issue while seeking help from engineers in the thread. thread773837
If the "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in Settings > App > Safari, are HTTP connections not allowed under any circumstances?
I also posted a question about NSAllowsLocalNetworking not being applied, and I was informed that ATS (App Transport Security) is not related to SFSafariViewController. If that's the case, what feature causes the error "Safari cannot open the page. Error: Failed to navigate to an HTTP URL with HTTPS-only mode enabled"?
I am currently working to resolve this issue.
Are there specific guidelines for submitting MDM (Mobile Device Management) apps to the App Store? 🥺
I am a developer operating an MDM (Mobile Device Management) app.
My app has only the functionality to disable/enable the camera, and the profile download is done through Safari.
There have been no changes in the guidelines in all the years that I have undergone review, and the app has passed the review process until now.
However, this time the app was rejected for installing a configuration profile that disables the camera. (guideline 2.5.9)
Could you please let me know if it is possible to request a re-review, or if MDM apps are no longer allowed on the App Store?
Thank you for your assistance.
If "Not Secure Connection Warnings" is enabled in the Settings > App > Safari, are no HTTP connections allowed? Setting NSAppTransportSecurity does not seem to apply either.
I am currently operating an app using an embedded web server that communicates over local HTTP.
Recently, when opening Safari, I started encountering the following error message:
"Safari cannot open the page. Error: Failed to navigate to an HTTP URL with HTTPS-only mode enabled."
However, I am currently in a situation where switching to HTTPS is difficult. Are there any solutions to resolve this issue besides using HTTPS?
Thank you.🙏
I used .tint(.yellow) to change the default back button color. However, I noticed that the color of the alert button text, except for .destructive, also changed. Is this a bug or Apple’s intended behavior?
this occurs in iOS 18.1 and 18.1.1
Below is my code:
// App
struct TintTestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// MainView
var mainContent: some View {
.onTapGesture {
isShowingAlert = true
.alert("Go Next View", isPresented: $isShowingAlert) {
Button("ok", role: .destructive) {
isNextButtonTapped = true
Button("cancel", role: .cancel) { }
thank you!