I am currently testing my in app subscription via sandbox. I am able to make the purchase and verify it, but it will not auto renew. The sandbox account is flagged as being subscribed, so it can't be purchased again, but I don't actually get the auto renewal.
I did notice that randomly on app boot up, I'll get a bunch of the backlogged auto renewals come in, but they are never actually sent to me when the 3 minute expiration is finished.
This is on macOS, so I am not able to actually look at and manage the sandbox subscriptions. It seems like that's only a thing for iOS. Is this just a behavior with the sandbox environment or will this behavior also happen with legitimate App Store?
The code I use is below:
func updateCustomerProductStatus() async {
var purchasedSubscriptions: [Product] = []
for await result in Transaction.currentEntitlements {
do {
let transaction = try checkVerified(result)
switch transaction.productType {
case .autoRenewable:
if let subscription = subscriptions.first(where: { $0.id == transaction.productID}) {
} catch {
print("catching \(error)")
init() {
subscriptions = []
updateListenerTask = listenForTransactions()
Task {
await requestProducts()
await updateCustomerProductStatus()
deinit {
func listenForTransactions() -> Task<Void, Error> {
return Task.detached {
// Iterate through any transactions that don't come from a direct call to `purchase()`.
for await result in Transaction.updates {
do {
let transaction = try self.checkVerified(result)
// Deliver products to the user.
await self.updateCustomerProductStatus()
// Always finish a transaction.
await transaction.finish()
} catch {
// StoreKit has a transaction that fails verification. Don't deliver content to the user.
print("Transaction failed verification.")
Does anyone have any idea why withAnimation is buggy when you apply a clip shape to an image? I've attached a screenshot of what happens below. Sometimes when hovering, it looks like the item gets drawn at the wrong location for a frame or two and then is placed back into position and the animation starts. It doesn't happen when the hover state ends, only the very initial hover event. This also doesn't happen without the .clipShape. I've also tried using .mask, but the same issue occurs. Has anyone ran into this?
With macOS 15, I'm noticing a new behavior when initializing a NavigationSplitView with columnVisibility. For example:
@State var sidebar = NavigationSplitViewVisibility.all
var body: some View {
ZStack {
NavigationSplitView(columnVisibility: $sidebar) {
This code previous to macOS 15 would behave as expected: the sidebar could be toggled and the views would stay intact. However, when you update sidebar after updating to macOS 15, the entire view is reinitialized, meaning that every single child view that depends on this parent view is also reinitialized.
Is this expected behavior? Simply clicking the toggle sidebar UI button does not reinitialize views, but when you initialize a NavigationSplitView with the column visibility, changes to the sidebar will completely reload the UI. Has anyone else experienced this?