Could you share link on example code from WWDC? This one
Thx a lot
For me UNIX familiar since 1997 ...
There was question about XCode Developer command line tools ... And the reference on it ...
Totally senseless reply on my question ...
Senseless notice. Why would I be looking into it if there are about IntelliJ IDE but my question is about XCode?
Font is irrelevant. Using this font for XCode last two years. And only after update XCode 13.4.1 got it. With XCode 13.3.1 all is Ok.
Thx a lot for this advice. Will use it.
Thx. Not using any of UI frameworks. Working with C++/Objective-C project. There are own C++ UI.
Thx for rapid reply. Appreciate it.
About lipo complaining perfectly aware. This is the reason why wrote the question here.
My library written with Objective-C because it's using in C++ project. Is it possible to create XCFramework for Objective-C source code?
Is there any examples of XCFramework for Objective-C?