




Reply to CMake duplicate symbol '_main' when building Swift/CPP interop. Why?
Solution found. Somehow it was related to Ninja, but can't say why it's not working with Ninja that is default for Qt environment. When changed to Xcode - everything works fine for me. There are published by me example that is working with CMake/Xcode compilation under Qt Creator. This example oriented on building Swift modules for MacOS/iOS environment only. If you need to build Swift project for the Linux or Windows follow this example from Apple repository on Github
Nov ’24
Reply to Requested but did not find extension point with identifier
>> Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionToBundleIdentifierMap.watchOS of plug-in warning: The CFBundleVersion of an app extension (null) must match that of its containing parent app ('0.1'). This one solved. There need to be added into extension Info.plist: <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>${A_PROJECT_VERSION}</string> <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>${A_PROJECT_VERSION}</string> The code sample is here Continue reserching other troubles.
Jul ’23
Reply to NEPacketTunnelProvider: determine destination DNS and IP. How?
Hello! Look below on details mentined by you: That depends on your specific requirements, and you haven’t really posted a lot of details about what those are. One of the possible cases: The company required to use VPN for customers or employees for accessing resources. But company don't want to care about all of internet traffic that goes from them (at least because of money, they don't want to pay for all of traffic from users). The company just wnat that only cpecified resources passing through VPN but any other passing through default. The list of this resources need to be defined somehow in VPN application and be available for publishing in AppStore without restrictions. For now seeking solution to make kind of Selective VPN solution that alows me to define list of resources that is passing through VPN and ignore all other traffic.
Jul ’23
Reply to NEPacketTunnelProvider: determine destination DNS and IP. How?
Is it correct that if there need only IPs from list, means need to set something like "exclude all" into excludedRoutes and add to included only list of IPs into includedRoutes? And there will be functionality that allow me to handle in VPN only IPs from list? "Exclude all" came into my brain by analogy of firewall rulles when you prohbiting everythin and open only allowed. For this issue allow everything to pass standard and only from list forward to TUN interface. And every packet that came to TUN must be passed through NEPacketTunnelProvider. Is it correct?
Jun ’23
Reply to NEPacketTunnelProvider: determine destination DNS and IP. How?
The global idea of all of this matter is not to send to VPN all of traffic. There need to send only selected IP adresses to VPN and other via standard network. Is it possible on MacOS and iOS with NEPacketTunnelProvider. Therefore somehow need to detrmine IP and if IP from list send it to VPN if not in list send it to normal network. Is it possible somehow to get raw IP packet and parse the packet itself like it describedon this schema?
Jun ’23