




Int128 fail in @Model with SwiftData
Swift recently added support for Int128. However, they do need NOT seem to be supported in SwiftData. Now totally possible I'm doing something wrong too. I have the project set to macOS 15 to use a UInt128 in @Model class as attribute. I tried using a clean Xcode project with Swift Data choosen in the macOS app wizard. Everything compiles, but it fails at runtime in both my app and "Xcode default" SwiftData: SwiftData/SchemaProperty.swift:380: Fatal error: Unexpected property within Persisted Struct/Enum: Builtin.Int128 with the only modification to from stock is: @Model final class Item { var timestamp: Date var ipv6: UInt128 init(timestamp: Date) { self.timestamp = timestamp self.ipv6 = 0 } } I have tried both Int128 and UInt128. Both fails exactly the same. In fact, so exactly, when using UInt128 it still show a "Int128" in error message, despite class member being UInt128 . My underlying need is to store an IPv6 addresses with an app, so the newer UInt128 would work to persist it. Since Network Framework IPv6Address is also not compatible, it seems, with SwiftData. So not a lot of good options, other an a String. But for an IPv6 address that suffers from that same address can take a few String forms (i.e. "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000" =="0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" == "::") which is more annoying than having a few expand Int128 as String separator ":". Ideas welcomed. But potentially a bug in SwiftData since Int128 is both a Builtin and conforms to Codable, so from my reading it should work.