(Public dupe of FB16477656)
The Shortcuts app allows you to parameterise the input for an action using variables or allowing "Ask every time". This option DOES NOT show when conforming my AppEntity.defaultQuery Struct to EntityStringQuery:
But it DOES shows when confirming to EntityQuery:
As discussed on this forum post (or FB13253161) my AppEntity.defaultQuery HAS TO confirm to EntityStringQuery to allow for searching by String from Siri Voice input.
To summarise:
With EntityQuery:
My Intent looks like it supports variables via the Shortcuts app. But will end up in an endless loop because there is no entities(matching string: String) function.
This will allow me to choose an item via the Shorcuts.app UI
With EntityStringQuery:
My Intent does not support variables via the Shortcuts app.
I am not allows to choose an item via the Shorcuts.app UI.
Even weirder, if i set up the shortcut with using a build with EntityQuery and then do another build with EntityStringQuery it works as expected.
Works with Siri to find a match, doesn't show "Ask every time"
public struct WidgetStationQuery: EntityStringQuery {
public init() { }
public func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { $0.id.lowercased() == string.lowercased() }
public func entities(for identifiers: [Station.ID]) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { identifiers.contains($0.id.lowercased()) }
public func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Station] {
return [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
public func defaultResult() async -> Station? {
try? await suggestedEntities().first
DOES NOT work with Siri to find a match, but Shortcuts shows "Ask every time"
public struct WidgetBrokenStationQuery: EntityQuery {
public init() { }
public func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { $0.id.lowercased() == string.lowercased() }
public func entities(for identifiers: [Station.ID]) async throws -> [Station] {
let stations = [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
return stations.filter { identifiers.contains($0.id.lowercased()) }
public func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [Station] {
return [Station(id: "car", name: "car"), Station(id: "bike", name: "bike")]
public func defaultResult() async -> Station? {
try? await suggestedEntities().first
Hi, trying to implement a simple PushToTalk app but I cannot seem to begin transmitting. When I start a transmission programmatically in my app in the foreground:
self.channelManager.requestBeginTransmitting(channelUUID: channelUUID)
This throws an error:
Error Domain=com.apple.pushtotalk.channel Code=1 "(null)"
Which seems to map to the appNotForeground error?
When I try transmitting from the background, nothing happens at all. Any thoughts?