when i select target as "All builds" i am getting list of simulators .
but when i select target as "SCPNative" i am not getting list of simulators.
Deployment target is 7.0 whereas sdk is 10.2.
Is there any way to get list of system shortcuts set by user or reserved by os programatically?
In my application i want to override the default behavior of undo and redo .In ipad , when user presses cmd+c/v , want to trigger some other action instead of default copy/paste . And in case of ipad , i want to trigger diffrent action for three finger touch gesture . Is it possible to do that?
I want to attach a three pinch zoom to my UITableView .
When user uses three pinch zoom i want to show more details in uitableview where as in two pinch zoom i want normal zoom behavior . But when i am using UIPinchGesture it is only giving numberOfTouches as 2 even when i use three fingers .