




How to exit `inBillingRetryPeriod` state in Storekit2
I'm currently testing subscriptions in Sandbox. In AppstoreConnect, I set a grace period of 3 days. I subscribed for a service which expired and now it's inBillingRetryPeriod state. I thought it had to do with my payment method. After updating my payment method, it still remains in that state. I checked Status.RenewalInfo's gracePeriodExpiration and expirationReason values but both produced nil. How do I exit the inBillingRetry state? I'm new to in-app purchases. Thanks. Here's the relevant code that updates subscription status: @MainActor func updateSubscriptionStatus() async { do { guard let product = storeManager.renewables.first, let statuses = try await product.subscription?.status else {return} var highestProduct: Product? = nil var highestStatus: Product.SubscriptionInfo.Status? = nil for status in statuses { switch status.state { case .expired, .revoked: continue default: let verifiedRenewalInfo = try storeManager.checkVerified(status.renewalInfo) //Find the first subscription in the store that matches id on the `status.renewalInfo` guard let newSubscription = storeManager.renewables.first(where: {$ == verifiedRenewalInfo.autoRenewPreference}) else { continue } guard let currentProduct = highestProduct else { highestProduct = newSubscription highestStatus = status // next status continue } let currentProductTier = storeManager.tierDuration(for: let newTier = storeManager.tierDuration(for: if newTier > currentProductTier { //updated product and status highestProduct = newSubscription highestStatus = status } } } currentSubscription = highestProduct // currentSubscription is an @State status = highestStatus // status is an @State if let mySubcriptionStatus = status, case .verified(let renewalInfo) = highestStatus?.renewalInfo { print(mySubcriptionStatus.state) // StoreKit.Product.SubscriptionInfo.RenewalState(rawValue: 3))-- inBillingRetry. print(renewalInfo.expirationReason) // nil print(renewalInfo.gracePeriodExpirationDate) // nil } } catch { print(error) } }
Jan ’24
How to exit `inBillingRetryPeriod` state in Storekit2
I'm currently testing subscriptions in Sandbox. In AppstoreConnect, I set a grace period of 3 days. I subscribed for a service which expired and now it's inBillingRetryPeriod state. I thought it had to do with my payment method. After updating my payment method, it still remains in that state. I am checking Status.RenewalInfo's gracePeriodExpiration and expirationReason values produce nil. How do I exit the inBillingRetry state? I'm new to in-app purchases. Thanks. Here's the relevant code: ... @MainActor func updateSubscriptionStatus() async { do { guard let product = storeManager.renewables.first, let statuses = try await product.subscription?.status else {return} var highestProduct: Product? = nil var highestStatus: Product.SubscriptionInfo.Status? = nil for status in statuses { switch status.state { case .expired, .revoked: continue default: let verifiedRenewalInfo = try storeManager.checkVerified(status.renewalInfo) //Find the first subscription in the store that matches id on the `status.renewalInfo` guard let newSubscription = storeManager.renewables.first(where: {$ == verifiedRenewalInfo.autoRenewPreference}) else { continue } guard let currentProduct = highestProduct else { highestProduct = newSubscription highestStatus = status // next status continue } let currentProductTier = storeManager.tierDuration(for: let newTier = storeManager.tierDuration(for: if newTier > currentProductTier { //updated product and status highestProduct = newSubscription highestStatus = status } } } currentSubscription = highestProduct // currentSubscription is an @State status = highestStatus // status is an @State if let mySubcriptionStatus = status, case .verified(let renewalInfo) = highestStatus?.renewalInfo { print(mySubcriptionStatus.state) // StoreKit.Product.SubscriptionInfo.RenewalState(rawValue: 3) -- inBillingRetry print(renewalInfo.expirationReason) // nil print(renewalInfo.gracePeriodExpirationDate) // nil } } catch { print(error) } }
Dec ’23