




Comment on Help understanding CIImage filter chain
Thanks. I tried to enable "dump intermediates" but I couldn't get any to show, or any timings. Here's the output from the xcode log on start up: CI_PRINT_TREE options flags: 1 initial graph 2 optimized graph 4 program graph (set) dump-inputs dump-intermediates (set) dump-raw-intermediates (set) dump-bmtl-intermediates (set) dump-outputs dump-timing (set) context==<name|number> context!=<name|number> frame- <dot|pdf|png>
Jan ’25
Comment on Launching an app with Camera Control
I'm not sure this would be possible as I'm using React Native for the UI. Is there any reason you can't just launch the app in the same way the action button works with a "open an app"? This would have been so much quicker to implement, even if my app was already using SwiftUI. I'm only able to work on this project in my spare time and it feels a bit anti "indie" developer to have it this way.
Sep ’24