We are getting reports from customers that they are not able to play videos in our app after updating their phones to iOS18.3.1.
(Further checking indicates that it happens on all iOS18 versions. It suddenly started occurring from February 18th, 2025)
When checking logs we see that playback is failing due to CoreMediaErrorDomain error -42709.
This is an undocumented error code and hence we do not know the cause of the playback issue.
Does anyone know what this error code means and how the app should handle it?
Reported as FB16638501.
When an auto renewing subscription is "Developer removed from sale", any auto renewal should fail.
Will this make the subscription enter billing "Grace Period"?
Our expectation is that the rewal would fail without entering a "Grace Period".
We have an app with a UITabBarController.
On visionOS it is automatically shown as an ornament (as expected).
However, we would like to temporarily hide it in some situations.
Is it possible to hide/show the ornament representation of the UITabBarController's tab bar?
While debugging a UIKit based app for visionOS we discovered this "magical" _MRUIPlatterOrnamentBackingWindow window that:
Sets itself as the UIWindowScene.keyWindow
Is not included in UIWindowScene.windows
Has a windowLevel of 0 (normal) but is still in front of any other UIWindow in the scene.
Is there any way to make other UIWindows appear in front?
We have experienced an issue where users that have deleted their account later accidentally (we guess...) re-activate their monthly subscription using the Subscription management screen in iOS.
Is there anyway to control this?
When playing several short HLS clips using AVPlayer connected to a TV using Apple's Lightning-to-HDMI adapter (A1438) we often fail with those unknown errors.
CoreMediaErrorDomain -12034
CoreMediaErrorDomain -12158
Anyone has any clue what the errors mean?
iOS 15.4
Lightning-to-HDMI adapter (A1438)
An iOS app is playing using AVFoundation.
The master playlist of the content contains redundant media playlists.
Is there an API the app can use to switch/enable/disable between the redundant playlists?
We are using an ASWebAuthenticationSession to authenticate using an already logged in session in Safari.
This works fine on real hardware.
In Simulator from iOS13.5, the callback URL is always missing the session ID which indicates that ASWebAuthenticationSession couldn't access the cookies.
We are not using session cookies.
As documented here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/authenticationservices/authenticating_a_user_through_a_web_service
Does anyone have any suggestion how to debug this and figure out if the problem is on our side or iOS side?
Hi,Our use case is linear TV streaming.We've been using AVPlayerItem's preferredPeakBitrate to limit the max bitrate for our bandwidth concious users.Our code does it in this order:var playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
playerItem.preferredPeakBitrate = x
var player = AVPlayer()
player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem)This has been working fine.Recently we got a report from a user on iOS13 claiming that his peak bitrate wasn't respected. We were able to confirm the report.Seems like the preferredPeakBitrate value is ignored unless we set it after the AVPlayerItem has reached .readyToPlay.Our experience from iOS12 and earlier is that the above code is fine.Has anyone else noticed this?
Hi,In the documentation it says you must use a sandbox account when testing In-App purchase using the Sandbox.But I just noticed that (currently on 10.3 release) the StoreKit popup is saying "Sandbox" even when using a normal account but the app is an AdHoc build.Is this expected that a normal account also uses the "Sandbox" when running a AdHoc distribution build?Thanks in advance,Anders
Hi,I have some questions about how AVPlayer handles updates of a cookie's expiration time.We do something like this:1) Send a GET request to server which sets authentication cookie. This cookie has a short expiration time, CookieExpiryTime.2) Start AVPlayer. The authentication cookie is included in the AES key request.3) Every n minutes (where n is CookieExpiryTime/2), send new GET request to authentication server to get updated cookie expiration time. By logging all cookies in NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage() we can see that the expiration time of the cookie is updated.The problem:When a key is requested after the expiration time of the first cookie from 1), the cookie is no longer included in the AES key request.But shouldn't the updated cookie (with extended expiration time) be considered?Question 1) Does AVPlayer filter out expired cookies when doing the AES key requests?Question 2) Does AVPlayer check NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage() for updated cookies after init?Thanks,Anders