Currently I only see the right eye view when running my test app on the Vision Simulator. But to be able to evaluate if what I'm doing is actually possible on the device before buying one for developing my app I like to be able to switch between viewing the right eye and left eye in the simulator.
I'm currently experimenting to add 3d stereo images in HEIC format to my daily Mars Rover Images website which can be opened on a Vision Pro. Only a few images are yet converted into that mode, those on the sol 1411 page.
As I'm currently only working in the Vision Pro Simulator from Xcode, no real 3d effect if of course visible and I'm curious if anyone using the real hardware can confirm that the images are working.
Especially the eye distance correction is important to know about as the Mars Rover camera has a much wider pupil distance than humans and while I entered that distance in the conversion tool, I'm not sure if it worked well. So feedback is welcome!
For those who like to try to create stereo images themselves: I used to create a HEIC file from two JPEGs.