




isPressed is not reliable when Button is inside ScrollView
I opened a feedback ticket (FB16508762) but maybe someone in the community already found a workaround while the feedback reaches the maintainers. When I put a Button inside a ScrollView, the tap animation stops working reliably and works only when the user taps and holds the button for a short time. The reasons, I believe is related to the fact that isPressed of configuration does not change and the default button styles use it to animate the tap. import SwiftUI struct DebuggingButtonStyle: ButtonStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { configuration.label .onChange(of: configuration.isPressed, { oldValue, newValue in print("Is pressed: \(oldValue) -> \(newValue)") }) } } struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Text("Buttons inside scroll view respond to taps as expected, however isPessed value of the configuration do not change unless the user press and hold it. Try to press the promiment button quickly or use the debug button and observe the console log.") ScrollView { VStack { Button("Button Inside ScrollView") { print("Button tapped") } .buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) Button("Button Inside ScrollView (printing isPressed)") { print("Button tapped") } .buttonStyle(DebuggingButtonStyle()) } } .border(FillShapeStyle(), width: 2) Spacer() Text("For reference, here is a button outside of a ScrollView. Tap the promiment button to observe how the button is expected to animate in respnse to a press.") VStack { Button("Button Outside ScrollView") { print("Button tapped") } .buttonStyle(.borderedProminent) Button("Button Outside ScrollView (printing isPressed)") { print("Button tapped") } .buttonStyle(DebuggingButtonStyle()) } } .padding() } }
How to connect a @Parameter of a Tip to my app's state?
I have an observable object which is a model a view. I also have a Tip (from TipKit) with @Parameter and a rule. The source of truth for the state is in the observable object, however the Tip needs to be updated when state changes. So how do I bind between the two? The way I was thinking was to sink updates from objectWillChange and check if Tips parameter needs to be updated or add didSet if it a @Published property. But I am not sure this is the best practice. Schematic example: class MyModel: ObservableObject { struct TapSubmitTip: Tip { @Parameter static var isSubmitButtonEnabled: Bool = false var title: Text { Text("Tap \"Submit\" to confirm your selection.") } var rules: [Rule] { #Rule(Self.$isSubmitButtonEnabled) { $0 == true } } } let tapSubmitTip = TapSubmitTip() var objectWillChangeCancallable: AnyCancellable! // Used by the view to enable or disable the button var isSubmitButtonEnabled: Bool { // Some logic to determine if button should be enabled. } init() { objectWillChangeCancallable = objectWillChange.sink { [weak self] void in guard let self else { return } if isSubmitButtonEnabled { TapSubmitTip.isSubmitButtonEnabled = true } } } ... // Call objectWillChange or update published properties as needed. ... }
Dec ’24
How to do content transition when one image is a system symbol and the other is in assets catalouge?
I have a save button: Button(action: { saveTapped() }) { Label("Save", systemImage: wasSaved ? "checkmark" : "square.and.arrow.down") } .contentTransition(.symbolEffect(.replace)) .disabled(wasSaved) Now, I created a new custom icon and added it into the assets catalogue: "custom.square.and.arrow.down.badge.checkmark" for when the wasSaved state is true. The issue I am facing is that to use it I need to use the method of Label with image:, while to use the non custom symbol, I need to use systemImage:. So how is it possible to transition between the two?
Nov ’24
Text with standard font style appears smaller on iPadOS than on iOS
I used standard font styles in an iOS app. For example .font(.headline). I hoped that developing this way would allow the adoption of the app to other platforms, relatively easy. However, when trying to run for iPadOS, the text did not increase in size to occupy the more abundant space offered by larger screen, but it actually shrank. Overall, the app does not look great "automatically". Why does it happen? What is the best practice for cross platform development with SwiftUI (with regards to font sizes). I want to make as little as possible human interface design decisions on my own and just let SwiftUI take care of everything. (But I also want the results to look as Apple would consider great looking)
Oct ’24
How to make changes of text in search filed to cause animated changes in the view?
Following the examples from the official documentation: When the user types in the text in the search field, the list is updated with filtered results. How do I cause these changes to be animated? I tired to put .animated() after the .searchable modifier, the result was what I am looking for, however it also broke the animation of the search field getting/releasing focus.
Oct ’24
How to obtain an AVAudioFormat for a canonical format?
I receive a buffer from[AVSpeechSynthesizer convertToBuffer:fromBuffer:] and want to schedule it on an AVPlayerNode. The player node's output format need to be something that the next node could handle and as far as I understand most nodes can handle a canonical format. The format provided by AVSpeechSynthesizer is not something thatAVAudioMixerNode supports. So the following:   AVAudioEngine *engine = [[AVAudioEngine alloc] init];   playerNode = [[AVAudioPlayerNode alloc] init];   AVAudioFormat *format = [[AVAudioFormat alloc] initWithSettings:utterance.voice.audioFileSettings];   [engine attachNode:self.playerNode];   [engine connect:self.playerNode to:engine.mainMixerNode format:format]; Throws an exception: Thread 1: "[[busArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)element] setFormat:format error:&nsErr]: returned false, error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10868 \"(null)\"" I am looking for a way to obtain the canonical format for the platform so that I can use AVAudioConverter to convert the buffer. Since different platforms have different canonical formats, I imagine there should be some library way of doing this. Otherwise each developer will have to redefine it for each platform the code will run on (OSX, iOS etc) and keep it updated when it changes. I could not find any constant or function which can make such format, ASDB or settings. The smartest way I could think of, which does not work:   AudioStreamBasicDescription toDesc;   FillOutASBDForLPCM(toDesc, [AVAudioSession sharedInstance].sampleRate,                      2, 16, 16, kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat, kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian);   AVAudioFormat *toFormat = [[AVAudioFormat alloc] initWithStreamDescription:&toDesc]; Even the provided example for iPhone, in the documentation linked above, uses kAudioFormatFlagsAudioUnitCanonical and AudioUnitSampleType which are deprecated. So what is the correct way to do this?
Feb ’22
How do the run loop of the main thread and the main queue are related?
Do run loops use an operation queue under the hood? When I dispatch to the mian queue, I know it will run on the mian thread, which means it will be handled b the main thread's run loop. But is the other way around correct? More specific question, is it possible somehow that the following code will return true? OperationQueue.current != OperationQueue.main && Thread.isMainThread I tried to do for example to dispatch to the main thread using a timer. myQueue.sync { let timer = Timer(timeInterval: 1, repeats: false) { _ in let curr = OperationQueue.current let main = OperationQueue.main print("\(String(describing: curr)) \(main)") } RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .common) } And got the same pointer. But maybe some other way of dispatching to the main run loop will give different results, possibly that is why OperationQueue.current can return nil.
May ’23
Phased release of a version while the previous phased release is not finished
I was not able to find info regarding this situation in the official docs. What will happen if a version was not yet released to all, and a new version is phased released? For example if I am phased releasing version 2.0. On day 3, when only 5% of the users have this version, I discovered that this version has a bug. I paused the release of 2.0 and created a hotfix version 2.1. What will happen all the users who did not receive 2.0 when I start phased release of 2.1? Will they get an immediate update to 2.0 or will they skip this version?
May ’23
How to fit AVPlayer inside a container and align it to the top
I have a following simple code to present a video on the screen. This or similar can be found on any tutorial there is about using AVplayer from UISwift. struct PlayerView: UIViewRepresentable { func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<PlayerView>) { } func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIView { return PlayerUIView(frame: .zero) } } class PlayerUIView: UIView { private let playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer() override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "my_video", withExtension: "mp4")! let player = AVPlayer(url: url) playerLayer.player = player layer.addSublayer(playerLayer) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } override func layoutSubviews() { super.layoutSubviews() playerLayer.frame = bounds } } If I put PlayerView inside an VStack the view will take as much vertical space as possible based on the sizes of the other views in the stack and then will put the video inside filling it horizontally. So if it is the only view, it will always put the video in the center of the screen and leave margins below and above it. Even if I put spacer after it. Even if I put it inside GeometryReader. What I want the view to "hug" the presented video as much as possible, and then bahve as any other SwiftUI view. But I do not understand how SwiftUI does the layout in this case when AVPlayer inside UIViewRepresentable is involved.
Apr ’23
Is it possible to cancel a subscription for all users who already own it?
We are adding an feature in the app and we want to sell a special subscription for the app which lets users use the feature. We might want to stop supporting this feature and remove it from the app in the future. Not just stop selling the subscription, but completely get rid of the feature in future version of the app. Once the feature is removed, the users who bought the special subscription, will not be able to access the feature and they will receive the same experience as users who bough a normal subscript we are currently offering. What is the best approach to deal with this situation? Is it possible to force cancelation of this product or changing auto renew to off for all users who are subscribed to it? Is it possible to force downgrade/upgrade of that product for all users who are subscribed to it? Are we stuck with supporting this feature forever, or is there a best practice which will allow us to phase it out?
Mar ’23
Is it possible to obtain the clipping path of CGContext?
There is no API to create an intersection between two CGPaths, however CoreGraphics knows how to do it behind the scenes. When calling CGContextClip (link) it will intersect current and clipping paths and store it in the clipping path. I was thinking to utilize this to perform intersections between paths I have. The problem is I can not find a way to retrieve back the clipping path from CGContext. Am I correct that such API does not exist or did I miss something?
Aug ’22
What happens to secrets stored by apps when iCloud Keychain is turned off?
I this FAQ it says: What happens when I turn off iCloud Keychain on a device? When you turn off iCloud Keychain for a device, you're asked to keep or delete the passwords and credit card information that you saved. If you choose to keep the information, it isn't deleted or updated when you make changes on other devices. If you don't choose to keep the information on at least one device, your Keychain data will be deleted from your device and the iCloud servers.  So understand data stored by the user such as passwords is removed. What about data stored by an app installed on an iOS device? Is it removed as well? Can we assume that data stored in the keychain will not be removed by other means external to the app, or should we plan our app to handle such situation?
Feb ’22
How to deduce from NSMethodSignature that a struct argument is passed by pointer?
How to deduce from NSMethodSignature that a struct argument is passed by pointer? Specifically on ARM. For example if I have: @protocol TestProtocol <NSObject> - (void)time:(CMTime)time; - (void)rect:(CGRect)point; @end And then I do: struct objc_method_description methodDescription1 = protocol_getMethodDescription(@protocol(TestProtocol), @selector(time:), YES, YES); struct objc_method_description methodDescription2 = protocol_getMethodDescription(@protocol(TestProtocol), @selector(rect:), YES, YES); NSMethodSignature *sig1 = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:methodDescription1.types]; NSMethodSignature *sig2 = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:methodDescription2.types]; const char *arg1 = [sig1 getArgumentTypeAtIndex:2]; const char *arg2 = [sig2 getArgumentTypeAtIndex:2]; NSLog(@"%s %s", methodDescription1.types, arg1); NSLog(@"%s %s", methodDescription2.types, arg2); The output is: v40@0:8{?=qiIq}16 {?=qiIq} v48@0:8{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}16 {CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}} Both look similar, no indication that CMTime will be actually passed as a pointer. But when I print the debug description: NSLog(@"%@", [sig1 debugDescription]); NSLog(@"%@", [sig2 debugDescription]); The first prints: ... argument 2: -------- -------- -------- -------- type encoding (^) '^{?=qiIq}' flags {isPointer} ... While the second prints: ... argument 2: -------- -------- -------- -------- type encoding ({) '{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}' flags {isStruct} ... So this information is indeed stored in the method signature, but how do I retrieve it without parsing the debug description? Are there rules I can use to deduce this myself? I tried to experiment with different structs but it is hard to spot a pattern.
Jan ’22