We are facing following message "A timestamp was expected but was not found" during codesign for following .dylib and .pkg and it cause notarization process failed.
We are facing this issue for last 3 days and we have access for timestamp.apple.com and and we didn't change firewall settings. We are facing this issue randomly and not for all time(scenario is 3:1).
We tried the below command to sign the package,
codesign --verbose --deep --force --timestamp --options=runtime --sign "<CODE SIGN IDENTITY>" <TO BE SIGNED PACAKGE>
Kindly let us know how to fix this probelm.
Hi Team, We have 100+ app and 100+ developers and expire notification emails receives only for team agent, is there any way to get those notification to admin email-id including APNS expire notification?
Kindly help us.
Hi Team,
I'm developing a tool to download provision profiles through AppstoreConnectAPI.
I can't find the way, how to regenerate the expired .mobileprovision profile through AppStoreConnectAPI
Anyone please help me to achieve it?.
Thanks in advance,
I'm using appstoreconnect api to download the profiles and tried to convert the profilecontent to .mobileprovision using base64 --decode command but it's not working, can anyone please help me on it?