




Support multiple Network extension Targets in a single app
I have an iOS app with two network extension targets(tunnel1 and tunnel2) in it. Use case is explained below:- One target i.e Tunnel1 will be used for public traffic. Traffic not part of Tunnel2 will go through this tunnel Second target i.e Tunnel2 will be used for private traffic.This will be configured as per app vpn so that only those apps can have access to private resources. MDMs can push two VPN profiles along with Provider Bundle Indentifier so that designated tunnel can start based on source app. So far this works well. Issue:- We have thousands of deployments already in place where VPN profiles did not contain Provider Bundle Indentifier because so far our app had just one tunnel target. Now , after upgrade to New App version(with two NE targets) , sometimes Tunnel1 starts , sometimes Tunnel2 . Its purely random and dont know logic behind it. Question:- Is there any way to always prefer Tunnel1 when there is no Provider Bundle Indentifier in MDM pushed VPN profile?
Aug ’24
Best Way to Link Frameworks?
I released an App say 1.0 . Now , I am shipping a huge update say 2.0. But in 2.0 , I want to ship a framework of 1.0 , so that end users can fallback in case of any catastrophic issue in 2.0. Now my 1.0 uses a dynamic framework(say version 1.5) and few static libs(say version 1.5) Now my 2.0 app uses same libs and frameworks but different versions of them i.e. dynamic framework(say version 1.8) and static libs(say version 1.8) So my app running is 2.0 , here is what I want When 2.0 is running and 1.0 framework is NOT running , it should use dynamic framework(version 1.8) and static libs(version 1.8) When 2.0 is running and 1.0 framework is running , it should use dynamic framework(version 1.5) and static libs(version 1.5) Here is what I have done so far: Dynamic Framework of 1.0 is compiled and dynamic framework(version 1.5) and static libs(1.5) are not embedded into the framework But when I integrate it in my container app(2.0) , My container app behaviour corresponding to these(dynamic framework and static libs) start throwing exceptions . If I remove the 1.0 framework then app behaves fine. So most probably linking issue Any guidance to achieve this would be highly appreciated!
May ’23