Hello Everyone,
I hope someone can help. We are using PushKit and CallKit as part of a VoIP calling application. This code has been working for several months.
We noticed that as of some time PM Friday 10th, we no longer receive a token when debugging code to a locally connected iPhone in Xcode. Tokens are being generated in live environments and existing users are not affected. If we archive our debug builds to TestFlight the code runs correctly. To clarify:
In debug if we request the cached token using .pushToken(for: voIP) nil is returned.
In debug if we regster, the didUpdate delegate method is never called.
If we publish this same code to TestFlight, didUpdate is called on app start and a call to retrieve the cached token is successful.
The delegate and the pushregistry variable are not becoming nil as far as we can see and considering the code is working in TestFlight, how to you diagnose what is wrong? Code has been tested across a wide range of iPhone devices and releases from 13 through 15.5. The behaviour is consistent in that it never works in debug and always works in TestFlight.
Thanks, Alex