Thank you but drag gesture is only with drag (tap and drag on trackpad) and not swipe
That's how it's look like, I can't typing after the first letter until I tap again on the textfield
Video link:
The problem solve after I remove showSuggestionMenu but it also not show the NSMenu that I need so it's no help me
Here's video
Yeah, I'm trying to check if is there new message in any Mail inbox from the built in Mail app on macOS
I want to get the title of the mail, the body and the sender name
thank you, first the code in is NSPanel (class NotchPanel: NSPanel,NSWindowDelegate) I did a notch app for macos.
the isReleasedWhenClosed is false because when it's true after I close the window and try to open SettingsViewController again the app crash (memory leak issue)
if the delegate is not nil the app crash if I remember correct
thank you, but I don't care if I iPhone is on airplane mode or not
Is it possible to detect status icon on Apple Watch to check if airplane mode icon is show?
It was anchorPoint problem I fixed it by set anchorpoint to (x:0.5, y:1.0)
I don't use AppKit I'm using Cocoa
I used MediaRemote.framework is a Apple private framework
I develop for macOS, the label is not vibrancy, you can see in the image the label is not vibrancy