




Content Filter Providers in unsupervised and unmanaged iOS devices
I'm looking at implementing an iOS app that has includes a Content Filter Provider to block access to certain domains when accessed on the device. This uses NEFilterManager, NEFilterDataProvider and NEFilterControlProvider to handle configuration and manage the network flows and block as necessary. My question is can you deploy this in an iOS 18+ app on the App Store to devices which are unmanaged, unsupervised and don't use Screen Time APIs? Although not 100% clear, this technote seems to say it is not possible: Testing this on a Developer device and build works successfully without any MDM profiles installed. A similar approach using the same APIs also works on macOS once user permissions have been given. If it can't work on unsupervised, unmanaged iOS devices, is possible for the user to first manually install a MDM profile which includes the required 'Content Filter' details and then have it work? If not, how would you filter iOS network traffic on an unmanaged, unsupervised device? Is it necessary to use a VPN or DNS approach instead (which may be a lot less privacy compliant)?
How to calculate 'Active paid subscriptions' using subscription event data
As per the display in "App Store Connect > Sales and Trends > Subscriptions > Summary", I'm wanting to understand how to calculate the 'Active paid subscriptions' figure for a particular period using only the subscription event data. This is for further analysis and calculation outside of App Store Connect. For example, if at the start of April I have 500 active paid subscriptions, then at the end of April I have 550 active paid subscriptions, what are the calculation of Subscription events that would make up this figure? I'd presume the formula would be: End of period subscriptions = start of period subscriptions + activations (includes trials) + conversions to standard price + reactivations - refunds - trial only activations - cancellations However when I compare the above calculation against what is reported by 'Active paid subscriptions' at the start and end of a period in App Store Connect it is not the same. What is the calculation of events across a period that determines the current 'Active paid subscriptions' figure?
Jan ’23