Context: I work on Home Assistant App, a smart home platform which connects locally to their smart home server. The Apps essentially needs the local network permission and every single user gives the permission, but some in macOS 15.3 are reporting that even though the permission is given, the app still reports it is not, and logs also confirm that.
Since there is no way to reset local network permission on macOS I am kind of on a dead end here.
How can the user get out of this situation?
I also read and the TN3179 but still no solutions for my case.
As stated in other posts like:
Even though the recommended way from Apple documentation is to use push notifications to reload widgets timelines calling WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines(), it is unreliable and I couldn't find a pattern of why it works 10% of times and not the other 90%.
While the debugger is connected to the App it always works though.
My widget needs to reflect updated information otherwise it becomes useless since it display smart home devices states such as the Apple Home widget does as well.