




Easy way to see application logs after UITests
Hello all ! I am starting to explore UI testing with XCode and was wondering if there's a simple way to access application logs directly in XCode after the session ends. We currently have access to many things (captures, video, xctest logs) in report UI (see capture) but I am surprised we don't also have the app logs. I know there's a way of accessing it via terminal in .xcresult via a custom script ( but I find it a little tedious and unfriendly as it gives raw .txt I also noticed I can switch processes in XCode console to see app logs but it switches back to xctest logs once the test ends ^^' Is there some "see app logs" button I missed in XCode UI or is XCResultExtractor our only option ? Thank you in advance !
Dec ’24
String catalog and local package
Hello Apple community ! I'm facing an issue regarding xcstrings in a local package in my project. It's an iOS application with a local package containing multiple targets. The Localizable.xcstrings is located in the app target and contains keys for the app and targets of the local package (Views in the targets look for keys in the main bundle) My issue is that auto detection/extraction seems to work only for keys used inside the app bundle. It doesn't look in the package. However, if I add a Localizable.xcstrings inside a package target, it gets populated. Is this normal behaviour & is there any way to make extraction put the keys in the main bundle xcstrings instead ? I feel like it should be normal behaviour if no xcstrings is found in the package My fallback would be to set all keys in manual extraction state but it's not ideal ;) Thanks in advance for the great work Eric
Sep ’24
in-App purchases for authenticated users only
We currently have a food app on the app store which already asks for user authentication to access some functionnalities/content (shaker mixes, specific recipes, add comments, customize a recipe etc...). In this app we have recipes organised in bundles we call packs (all meat recipes, recipes for children etc...) In order to make the app a bit more profitable, we want to add premium packs that can be bought (non-consumable). We also wanted to allow only logged in users to buy such packs to avoid complexity in managing anonymous users. The question is : Is this kind of practice allowed or is it subject to rejection during review to force users to sign-in before making a purchase ? The same question goes for a feature of meal planification that we wanted to monetize as well via a subscription. For this feature, the sign-in would be hard to escape as the meals are synced on user profiles and need to be accessible accross all user devices. We didn't find anything prohibiting such practices in Apple guidelines but found some posts that would indicate it is in fact forbidden by Apple . Any help or previous experience would be appreciated :) Thanks in advance
Sep ’22
Combine : Strange Zip / flatMap behaviour
I just witnessed an unexpected behaviour from Zip publisher when combined with flatMap operator and I'm not sure if this is a bug or just incomplete knowledge on my part given that I used RxSwift up until now.Here is the code :let trigger = CurrentValueSubject<Void, Never>(()) C.cancellable = Just([String]()) .flatMap { Publishers.Zip($0.publisher.print("publisher"), trigger).print("Zip") } .print("flatMap") .sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in print("completed") }, receiveValue: { print($0) })The cancellable is kept as a static variable so that it doesn't get cleaned up.I expected to fall into the "receiveCompletion" closure and see the "completed" displayed in the console as Zip should finish once one of the sources finishes. Instead it seems the finished message seems to be lost in the flatmap. Here is the console content :flatMap: receive subscription: (FlatMap) flatMap: request unlimited publisher: receive subscription: (Empty) publisher: receive finished Zip: receive finishedI also tried to put values in the String sequence :Just(["lo", "la", "li"]) .flatMap ...and the first value arrives but the finished doesn't make his way out of the flatMap.Does somebody have an explanation for this ? What can I do to avoid this ?Thanks in advance !
Apr ’20