It happens both on iPhone (using .presentationCompactAdaptation(.popover) on child view) & iPad after a few rotations
Hello ! Thank you for your answer but I'm afraid those are the logs of the UITest but not the logs of the application itself. Application logs are interesting in order to understand what could have gone wrong inside the app ^^
I have the same issue with SwiftUI. Still looking for a solution. NavigationBar is historically clunky but adding the tabBar to it seems to have made matters worse :/
Any news on this from Apple ? You can apparently fix by bumping minimum version in the framework info.plist but it doesn't make much sense ...
Two years later, sadly still doesn't work on XCode 14.2 / iOS 16.2 ...
I have kind of a similar issue on XCode 14.2 with warnings. When I clean & build from scratch, I get all the warnings as it should. But after one or 2 rebuild, all warnings in my local packages disappear. I hope it gets fixed in next version of xcode as this renders cleaning warnings especially difficult on large projects ....
Thank you for your quick response !
In general any additional steps or friction implementation before a purchase that doesn't add value or functionality may impact the customer buy experience.
I think we can manage to avoid user login when buying packs but we will have more trouble for the meal planification feature as it needs to be linked to the user profile. I understand it adds friction and will potentially deter users from buying but is it a reason for rejection on Apple's side ?
Thanks Again
If you try to send a command and the device is locked, data protection will prevent you from accessing the keychain items and you’ll get a reasonable error. What do you need the notification for?
I think the reason the code was done this way is because IoT framework we're using may not be giving a descriptive error but I agree it would be the cleanest solution. Anyway I fear this little extension might be short-lived given the warnings telling us to move towards WidgetKit which sadly can't be used for this kind of widget for now ;)
Thanks for the quick & helpful answers !
Happy holidays
Thank you for your answer !
Can you explain more about why your widget extension needs this?
It's not a WidgetKit extension but an old Today widget that's presenting a remote control of an IoT vacuum cleaner (start / stop etc...).
These commands can only be sent if the phone is unlocked because we need to access protected tokens in keychain. That's where isProtectedDataAvailable comes in.
By "modern widget", I assume you're talking about WidgetKit. Unfortunately, we can't switch to this for now because of its limitations, mainly the fact that you can't interact with it without opening the app :/
Thanks again
Hello !
I know this question is getting old, but we're bumping into this issue as well.
After migrating to XCode 13, it became mandatory to set APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY to true in build settings of our widget extension. However, as stated above, this renders the isProtectedDataAvailable property unavailable through UIApplication.shared
So I have 2 questions :
Is there any new way of accessing it cleanly with iOS 14 or 15 ?
In the meantime, is it acceptable to use this ugly hack or can this be seen as accessing private API & subject to app rejection 🥶 ?
func isProtectedDataAvailable() -> Bool {
let application = UIApplication.value(forKeyPath: #keyPath(UIApplication.shared)) as! UIApplication
return application.isProtectedDataAvailable
Thanks in advance
Most annoying bug of XCode 12 so far. Please fix this in XCode 12.5 😅
A quick update on these Combine investigations 😉I replaced the flatMap by the combination of map & switchToLatest (the equivalent of flatMapLatest in RxSwift)It solved the problem at first but this revealed what seems to be an issue with switchToLatest as soon as the publisher built in the map method does not produce synchronously. In this case, nothing arrives in the sink : no values & no completion.C.cancellables.append(
.print("Just 1")
.map { _ in
Just("value that never arrives").delay(for: .seconds(3), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in print("completed") },
receiveValue: { print("received \($0) !!!") })
)Console output shows :map: receive subscription: (Just)
switchToLatest: receive subscription: (SwitchToLatest)
switchToLatest: request unlimited
map: request unlimited
map: receive value: (Delay<just, os_dispatch_queue="">(upstream: Combine.Just(output: "value that never arrives"), interval: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride(magnitude: 3000000000), tolerance: (extension in Dispatch):__C.OS_dispatch_queue.SchedulerTimeType.Stride(magnitude: 0), scheduler: <os_dispatch_queue_main:[0x7fff9c1d4680]="{" xref="-2147483648," ref="-2147483648," sref="1," target="[0x7fff9c1d4b00]," width="0x1," state="0x001ffe9000000304," dirty,="" in-flight="0," thread="0x307" }="">, options: nil))
map: receive finishedDo you think this should be reported as a Combine bug ?Thanks againEDIT :The last version of iOS (13.4.1) and MacOS (10.15.4) fixed this last issue. However a crash was introduced in Combine as this code crashes :Just(())
.map { _ in
Publishers.Zip(Empty<string, never="">(completeImmediately: true), Just(()))
.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in },
receiveValue: { _ in })I filed a feedback : FB7668667
I was tempted to use os_log in future developments but it's still a pain to retrieve logs remotely. We actually have this framework on MacOS but it requires admin permission : logs limited to our app process should be possible both on MacOS (without admin rights) and iOS. Is there any enhancement scheduled on the topic ? There's also but it seems to be in its development phase and intended to provide a simple API facade.Thanks in advance !