




APPUL OS X LION 10.7 kernel debug kit problems (10.7.{0,4}) + 11G63 unavailable
i'm trying to get firefox running in 10.7 but the kernel is crashing. i have it working/running/looking great on 10.8 and higher. something is happening in 10.7 that is causing the panic. i need the right kit. someone asked a similar question for 10.11: but feedback assistant doesn't seem like the right answer. i need this kit to move forward. right now using either the 10.7.0 or 10.7.4 kernel debug kit causes a panic on reboot; something to do with AVX and the fpu. i am hoping APPUL had enough foresight to see this would be an issue (even one year later) for people on newer architectures debugging for older, supported (until 2014) targets: this use-case definitely falls within the parameters.
Jul ’24
ASUS XONAR PCI Audio Card kext signing/distribution
hi, so i have a little bit of work left on the Asus Xonar family of audio devices. thanks to APPUL's samplepciaudiodriver code and their excellent documentation, Evegeny Gavrilov's kxAudio driver for MAC and Takashi Iwai's exceptional documentation of the ALSA API i have something that is ready for testing. the stats look good, but unfortunately i this is my second HDAV1.3 deluxe. the other one is also in the same room consuming all of my devices with powered audio outputs. no matter, i am in the process of acquiring another xonar sound card in this family. which brings me to my question: what is the benefit of getting an apple developer account for 99 dollars a year? will i be able to distribute a beta kext with my signature that will allow people to test the binary? i don't think others could run a self-signed kext built on one machine, on another, correct? so would a developer license allow others to test a binary built on my machine, assuming they're x86? my hope is that the developer program would allow me to test the binaries and solicit input from enthusiast mac pro owners WORLD WIDE. i them hope to create a new program that will give us the wealth mixers/controls this fantastic line is capable of providing.
Jan ’23
inaudible output after CoreAudio device initialises+limited number of controls per engine?
hi everyone, so i am wondering what else i must do after my device successfully completes the CoreAudio initialisation process? it seems ready to roll: but when i play something in itunes i don't hear anything. the slider moves as you'd expect. i compared some properties of the device to the headphone jack and noticed the latter maps to an output device (my headphones). in the case of this sound card, it's just a jack. is there something simple i'm missing? lastly, i noticed that the engine is limited to approximately 8 controls. i couldn't add the full 8 channels plus an 'allchannels' volume control, as you can see on the right panel of the second image. this is not due to a programming error. is it possible that the designers were stingy and used exactly 8 bits to describe the number of each kind of control on an engine (i.e. 8 toggles/8 selectors/8level controls)?
Jan ’23