We have the necessary background recording entitlements, and for many users... do not run into any issues.
However, there is a subset of users that routinely get recordings ending.. we have narrowed this down and believe it to be the work of the watch dog.
First we removed the entire view hierarchy when app is backgrounded. There is just 'Text("Recording")'
This got the CPU usage in profiler down to 0%. We saw massive improvements to recording success rate.
We walked away assuming that was enough. However we are still seeing the same sort of crashes. All in the background. We're using Observation to drive audio state changes to a Live Activity.
Are those Observations causing the problem? Why doesn't apple provide a better API to background audio? The internet is full of weird issues
This is such a terrible user experience. And we have very little visibility into what is happening and why.
No where in apple documentation states that in order for background recording to work, the app can only be 'Text("Recording")'
It does not outline a CPU or memory threshold. It just kills us.
AVAudioRecorder leaves a completely useless chunk of file if a crash happens while recording.
I need to be able to recover. I'm thinking of streaming the recording to disk. I know that is possible with AVAudioEngine but I also know that API is a headache that will lead to unexpected crashes unless you're lucky and the person who built it.
Does Apple have a recommended strategy for failsafe audio recordings? I'm thinking of chunking recordings using many instances of AVAudioRecorder and then stitching those chunks together.
| NoBuiltTargetDescriptionCouldBeFound
| translationUnit: PreviewTranslationUnit(moduleNamePrefix: "Previews_EmptyFeedRow", sourceIdentifier: file:///Users/bryananderson/Developer/JournalApp/JournalApp/Interface/Feed/EmptyFeedRow.swift -> EmptyFeedRow.swift, parseTree: ParseTree(version: 727, statements: 3, providers: 1), update: nil, changesContextMemoizer: PreviewsPipeline.PreviewTranslationUnit.(unknown context at $34b4b9c4c).ChangesContextMemoizer(parseTree: ParseTree(version: 727, statements: 3, providers: 1), sourceIdentifier: file:///Users/bryananderson/Developer/JournalApp/JournalApp/Interface/Feed/EmptyFeedRow.swift -> EmptyFeedRow.swift, cachedValue: os.OSAllocatedUnfairLock<Swift.Optional<PreviewsModel.ParseTree.PreviewChangesContext>>(__lock: Swift.ManagedBuffer<Swift.Optional<PreviewsModel.ParseTree.PreviewChangesContext>, __C.os_unfair_lock_s>)), registryDeclarationMemoizer: PreviewsPipeline.PreviewTranslationUnit.(unknown context at $34b4b9bec).RegistryDeclarationMemoizer)
| builtTargetDescriptions:
Tools: 16A5171c
OS: 24A5264n
PID: 906
Model: MacBook Pro
Arch: arm64e
openFiles = [
wantsNewBuildSystem = true
newBuildSystemAvailable = true
activeScheme = JournalApp
activeRunDestination = iPhone 15 Pro variant iphonesimulator arm64
workspaceArena = [x]
buildArena = [x]
buildableEntries = [
runMode = JIT Executor
name = iPhone 15 Pro
eligible = true
sdk = Optional(<DVTSDK:0x13870da30:'iphonesimulator18.0':Simulator - iOS 18.0:<DVTFilePath:0x600001e8c700:'/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator18.0.sdk'>>)
variant = Optional("iphonesimulator")
device = Optional(<DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x32f00d290> {
SimDevice: iPhone 15 Pro (CF3C85BC-F559-4437-9072-7F30153B399B, iOS 18.0, Booted)
PairedSim: <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x33733d150> {
SimDevice: Apple Watch Series 9 (45mm) (627CE93E-EB02-4200-BE40-3DCB5C91DB44, watchOS 11.0, Shutdown)
Simulator - iOS 18.0 | iphonesimulator | arm64 | iPhone 15 Pro | Apple Watch Series 9 (45mm)
jit enabled: true
fallback to dynamic replacement: false
I have a large model. Not just large in complexity but literally there are gigabytes in the average user db.
I want to enable saving data to this model from app extensions. However, I do not want to duplicate code or model setup.
Is it recommended that I migrate to using a shared group model? How do you migrate existing stores to using shared containers?
Or are there better ways to do it? For example, should I create a brand new store that uses a shared container?
What are best practices?
This is a major issue. My iPad app is crashing in the App Store. In order to fix it, I found a post that recommended making the framework optional. I did so. Now I can't compile on simulator and besides, it did not fix the iPad App Store crash.
ld: framework 'JournalingSuggestions' not found
Possibly linked to the above issue
The app compiles just fine, but SwiftUI Previews cannot build if there any any packages that lack support for visionOS
I made sure that filters were enabled so that the package is only linked to iOS
In a project that literally NEVER imports or uses an iOS only package, it fails completely
SchemeBuildError: Failed to build the scheme ”VisionHelloWorld”
'tracks(withMediaType:)' is unavailable in visionOS
Compile LightCompressor.swift (arm64):
/Users/bryananderson/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VisionHelloWorld-dviwzruidaouzeeafminiifghzfe/SourcePackages/checkouts/LightCompressor_iOS/Sources/LightCompressor/LightCompressor.swift:123:47: error: 'tracks(withMediaType:)' is unavailable in visionOS
guard let videoTrack = videoAsset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.video).first else {
AVFoundation.AVAsset:17:15: note: 'tracks(withMediaType:)' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
open func tracks(withMediaType mediaType: AVMediaType) -> [AVAssetTrack]
Okay so I have a CloudKit backed CoreData model. I've been building in development for several months. I have a lot of data stored in the app on the development CloudKit.
Then I installed the TestFlight version on that device. It is now missing a lot of data that used to be on that device. And it won't sync with my other apps.
I assume this is because of the production vs development thing..
But even when I install the app via Xcode, syncing is broken. Its not updating and I'm just getting this error:
I'm really worried about this and am totally reliant on CloudKit working. But now such simple thing broke syncing and I'm not sure how to get it back up and running
CoreData: debug: CoreData+CloudKit: -[PFCloudKitSerializer applyUpdatedRecords:deletedRecordIDs:toStore:inManagedObjectContext:onlyUpdatingAttributes:andRelationships:madeChanges:error:]_block_invoke(1021): Failed to find matching objectIDs for <CKRecordID: 0x2823541c0; recordName=BFE5B0E0-E4BC-4151-B64F-771AF271DE6C, zoneID=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone:defaultOwner> / <CKRecordID: 0x2823542c0; recordName=B342EDDF-8F2A-4496-B5AB-BEF29AF4018C, zoneID=com.apple.coredata.cloudkit.zone:defaultOwner> in pending relationship: 0x9eebd60aabec84c2 x-coredata://1DE90E1A-C7CF-4963-B10F-60142BFFCFD7/NSCKImportPendingRelationship/p11489
I try and add a new package.
After that, it asks for my personal access token. Which I correctly enter.
And then it repeats. I don't know how to get it to stop. I've noticed it has gone away. But each time I go to add a package I can almost guarantee I'll spend an hour trying to add
Unsupported Xcode or SDK Version. Your app was built with a version of Xcode or SDK that is not yet supported for upload to App Store Connect. For more information about supported versions of Xcode and SDK for Testflight or App Store submissions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (https://developer.apple.com/app-store-connect/whats-new/). (ID: 0e108b7e-0cc1-413e-99ad-8b081656a52c)
How lovely.
Seems like they might have missed this. . . But you can’t put widgets on an ipad home screen. No functionality has been added to widgets on iPad, except their new look. You can’t drag widgets in with apps the way you would OBVIOUSLY want or expect to be able to do now that iOS can.
This is a prime example of why I was actually nervous about iPad and iOS being separated. They’ll just totally develop features for one devices and not do it for the other.