




StoreKit 2.0 keep throwing unknown error.
After the release of StoreKit 2.0, the in-app purchase failure rate increased by 63.19%, with the majority of errors being StoreKitError.unknown. When encountering this error, many users repeatedly attempt to make a purchase, but the outcome remains unchanged, resulting in the same unknown error. In some cases, users who wait approximately 2 minutes before retrying the purchase may either succeed or encounter the following error: “StoreKit.StoreKitError.systemError(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named”)”. This issue has directly impacted our app's purchasing flow. Because our app only displays the promotional purchase offer once, these issues have significantly reduced the number of users successfully completing the offer. As a result, the conversion rate for this promotion has dropped well below expectations, negatively impacting our business metrics.
Dec ’24
iOS15.1 memory bug
I have 3 devices. One is iPhone 7 plus which system version is iOS 14.8. and the others are iOS 15.1, though one is iPhoneX , one is ipad. When I use xcode to run my app, I find out the memory keeps rasing in iOS 15.1. By using instruments, I could see there're a lot autoreleasepoll content(which is growing more and more). But it doen't happen on iOS 14.8.
Jan ’22
bug? under iOS12 crash while unimplemented initializer 'init(nibName:bundle:)'
HI, I override init(rootViewController: UIViewController) for my navigationcontroller by swift. and under iOS12, it seems trying to call @objc init(nibName:bundle:) which I did not implemented, and then it crash. But for iOS13 and above, It would not call the method init(nibName:bundle:), so no crash. After some users crashed on the new version on appStore,then I known that problem. And I do not have iOS12 machine to test it, and my app could not run on m1 mac since some thirdpart framework doesn't support. If the method is necessary, it would be better to make it a required method like init(corder:)
Jun ’21