




Question about using multiple NavigationLinks in same project
Hello, I want to write an app for following requirements: Four views(A,B,C and D) has navigationlink as a button to move to view E. so I wrote a navigationlink on view A as follows: NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView(result: iOSVM.add(a: (Int(numberA) ?? 0), b: (Int(numberB) ?? 0)))) { Text("Add?") } and another navigationlink on view B like this: NavigationLink(destination: DestinationView(result:iOSVM.subtract(a:number1,b:number2))){ Text("Result?") } after running these codes, navigationlink on view A works properly. but another one on view B remains diabled. help me to fix this. thx, c00012
Jul ’24
Question about preview using code in SwiftUI
Hello, I have a view which have a few controls and preview macro. I replaced preview macro with following code: struct ContentView_Preview:PreviewProvider{ static var previews: some View{ ContentView() } } after replacement, preview doesn't work properly. plz tell me how can i fix it. thanks, c00012
Jul ’24
How can I pass value from TextField to Alert?
Hello, I have a view has 4 textfields and a button. I want to show 4 values from textfields on popup messagebox. so I wrote a following codes. @State private var lender = "" @State private var amount = "" @State private var rate = "" @State private var duration = "" Button(action: {showingAlert = true}, label: { Text("Inputs") .padding() .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).strokeBorder()) }).padding(10) .accentColor(.green) .alert("Inputs", isPresented: $showingAlert){ Text("Lender: \(lender)").font(.title3) Text("Amount:\(amount)").font(.title3) Text("Rate:\(rate)") Text("Duration:\(duration)") Button("OK", role: .cancel){} } When I run this code, Alert popped up but there's no values. If someone point my mistakes, I'd very appreciated. thanks, c00012
Jun ’24
Question about textfield
Hello, I have a view have three textfields and a button. I wrote following code to move between textfields using return key. func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool { if textField == self.A { self.B.becomeFirstResponder() }else if textField == self.B { self.C.becomeFirstResponder() } return true } when I use return key between A->B, above code works properly. but when i use return key between B->C, above code doesn't work. I couldn't figure out what's wrong with this. if anyone pick me my mistake and suggest solution for it, I'd very appreciate. Thanks, c00012
May ’24
Question about build an iOS project in Xcode 15.2
Hello, I have a question about building a project in Xcode 15.2. When I build an iOS project in Xcode 15.2, I get a message like this: "Assets.xcassets: Could not get trait set for device iPad14,3 with version 17.2" though I have no trouble in building and running a project, I want to fix this. If anyone solve problem like this, please let me know how to fix it. thanks, c00012
Feb ’24
Question about Property Observer
I'm studying swift to develop macOS app so far. I wrote a following code to learn property observer. var x:Int var y:Int var oppositePos:coordinatePoint{ get{ coordinatePoint(x: -x, y: -y) } set{ x = -newValue.x y = -newValue.y } } } I want to implement property observer on opposites property so I changed code as follows : var x:Int var y:Int var oppositePos:coordinatePoint { willSet{ print("\(oppositePos) is changed to \(newValue)") } didSet{ print("\(oldValue) is changed to \(oppositePos)") } } } after changing code, I ran it but I got following error messages: Value type 'coordinatePoint' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it Missing argument for parameter 'oppositePos' in call My question: property observer is available on this property? if so, what should I change in this code? if someone give me an advice to fix errors, I'd be very appreciate. thanks, c00012
Jul ’23
question about self-refer in swift structure
Hello, I have a question about self-refer in using structure in swift. I want to use structure to implement Node. so I wrote code like this; public struct Node { var Data:Int = 0 var next:Node? } I've got an error message says: Value type 'Node' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it. the question is: self-refer is impossible in swift? if someone give me an advice about this, I'd be very appreciated. thanks, c00012
Mar ’23
Question about String.Index
Hello, I wrote a code to get second character of the string as follows: print("name:") let name = readLine()! print("Age:") let age = Int(readLine()!)! print("Name:\(name), Age:\(age)") let idx = name.index(name.startIndex, offsetBy: 1) print(name[idx]) print(idx) I entered these to test this code; name: John age:20 I expected result: name:John age:20 o 1 but I got: name:John age:20 o Index(_rawBits: 65799)//I expected 1 If someone can explain why I can't get index number of the string, I'd be very appreciated. thanks for your answer in advance. c00012
Nov ’22
Question about Conversion from decimal to double
Hello, I have a question while I was coding in swift. I wrote a following code: import Foundation protocol feature{     func getPayment(o:Offer)->Double } enum ProdCode{     case PersonalLoan     case Mortgage     case AutoLoan } struct Offer{     var Code:ProdCode     var Lender:String     var LoanAmt:Double     var APR:Double     var Terms:Int } class A: feature {     func getPayment(o: Offer)->Double {         var PLfactor = o.APR / 100 / 12         var PLfogr = pow(Decimal(1 + PLfactor), o.Terms * 12)         return o.LoanAmt * PLfactor * (PLfogr / (PLfogr) - 1)     } } I got an error message saying "Cannot convert value of type 'Decimal' to expected argument type 'Double'" from the line 'return o.LoanAmt * PLfactor * (PLfogr / (PLfogr) - 1)'. if someone pick what my fault is in the line, I'd be very appreciated. thanks for your answer in advance. c00012
Nov ’22
Question about protocol
Hello, i have a question while writing a code. I want to use protocol with the class as follows: protocol: protocol feature{     func getPayment(o:Offer)     func Amortize(o:Offer)     func Export() } class: class LoanBase: feature {     func getPayment(o: Offer) {         var PLFactor = o.APR / 100 / 12         var PLfogr = pow(1 + PLFactor , o.Terms*12)     } } I got an following error message: "Type 'LoanBase' does not conform to protocol 'feature'" if someone pick my mistake, I would be very grateful to him. thanks, c00012
Oct ’22