Can you please revoke my developer id application and installer certs? So i may recreate.
I deleted the private key by mistake before realizing i cannot recreate everything using the developer website portal. I dont have macos backup or did i backup my certs with attached pkey.
I just did not realize this was important until now.
Please help as Im now blocked. I opened a case too but i have not yet got a response. its been 3 days now. case id: 20000093632858
Hi Apple Support,
I am encountering an issue while testing in-app purchases in the sandbox environment.
I have created a sandbox tester account
Logged out of the App Store and System Settings on my Mac.
My main developer account is signed in under Sign In & Capabilities in Xcode.
The Bundle ID matches the one configured in App Store Connect.
The Product ID I am querying also matches the configuration.
Deleting the app and reinstalling.
Restarting my Mac.
When running my code in debug mode, I observe the following:
Running debug build
App Store environment: Production
[1b294b55] Error updating Storefront: Error Domain=StoreKit_Shared.StoreKitInternalError Code=7 "(null)"
Valid products: []
Invalid product IDs: ["com.x.x.x.monthly"]
No products found
The Product ID (com.x.x.x.monthly) matches the one I have configured in App Store Connect.
The bundle id matches.
When I create a StoreKit Configuration file in Xcode and sync it with my app, I can see the product IDs correctly.
Below are the relevant code snippets for fetching and handling products:
func fetchProducts() {
guard !productIDs.isEmpty else {
print("No product IDs configured")
let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: productIDs)
request.delegate = self
print("Starting product request...")
func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Valid products: \(response.products)")
print("Invalid product IDs: \(response.invalidProductIdentifiers)")
self.products = response.products
if self.products.isEmpty {
print("No products found")
} else {
print("products not empty")
for product in self.products {
print("Fetched product: \(product.localizedTitle) - \(product.priceLocale.currencySymbol ?? "")\(product.price)")
func debugStoreSetup() {
if let receiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL {
if receiptURL.lastPathComponent == "sandboxReceipt" {
print("App Store environment: Sandbox")
} else {
print("App Store environment: Production")
} else {
print("No receipt found")
Could you help identify why my app is not recognizing the Product ID in the sandbox environment?
Thank you for your assistance.