




Why is libarchive.2 a deprecated or private API
We are still performing updates to our application so that we can add it to the MacOS app store. The review bot is posting that the app is using a deprecated or private API and it seems to be referencing the use of Framework libarchive.2 . This is a Darwin open source library. Not sure I understand why it is deprecated or private API, what is the alternative we should be using the conforms with the MacOS app store ?
May ’22
After app crashes launchctl is no longer able to start app
We are noticing a strange behavior with our app and launchctl, not sure yet if it is only in M1 Monterey Macos. We have a launchctl plist that has not changed for a while that allows the app to restart after a crash via the Keepalive key <key>KeepAlive</key> <dict> <key>SuccessfulExit</key> <false/> What we are noticing is that the app crashes and instead of the app reopening via launchctl , an Apple crash report window opens. The app is used in several headless environments and we are trying to understand asap how to deal with this change of behavior. Any input will be helpful. Is there an option in xcode to modify this kind of behavior ? For example set the app to show a crash report instead of launchctl executing. Is there a way to trace why launchctl did not reopen the app ? Does it make a difference if the app is a debug version ? We have noticed no difference between Release and Debug versions, same behavior.
Mar ’22
APFS ASR - is this snapshot possible ?
Hello, I am running Catalina and I am trying to snapshot a destination volume without the --erase option but it seems to always want it. Is this correct ? asr restore --source /dev/disk1s5 --target /Volumes/MacintoshHD\ 1 --toSnapshot B13D6AF4-2F7D-4145-A9B2-361E3A28298E Validating source...done File copy is not supported anymore. Use the --erase flag.
Apr ’21
XPC Services for a daemon
We have an application written mainly in Obj-C that supports users starting from MacOS 10.7The app had a couple of targets that are comman-line tools.The command line tools need to communicate with main app at the moment using distrubuted objects .Is there a way to introduce XPC services into the command line tools so that we can move to modern comunication api's with XPC or do we somehow need to "transform" the command-line tools daemons into XPC Services target ?
Mar ’17