




Notifications Property List Key Only Works For Simulator
I tried to setup custom text for my app's push notifications permission alert by setting the NSUserNotificationsUsageDescription key in the info plist. It works flawlessly when I run the app on simulator, but running the app on a physical device still shows the default text provided by Apple. Is this a bug by Apple or am I doing something wrong? I am trying this with Xcode 13.4.1.
Jun ’22
Incorrectly Rejected by Apple for Account Deletion Guidelines
The app I work on keeps getting rejected by Apple due to not supporting account deletion but our app doesn't even support native accounts. This is like the 40th app update we've had so this isn't a new app and we've had releases since the rule took place so this feels out of the blue. The reviewer attached account screenshots of a web view we have in our app but that is not even the purpose of the web view. It links out to an info page on our site that happens to support account creation if the user decides to continue using the site through other means. You cannot enter account info anywhere in our app natively and it's not a requirement to use any of our features. Are we wrong in understanding the account deletion guidelines? What can we do to get past this hurdle when we make these notes in the resolution section after being rejected and it just seems like the reviewers are just not reading our notes and feels very robotic.
Sep ’22