




How to create and manage nested List with NSTextList, NSAttributedString and UI/NSTextView
I am developing a library for RichTextEditor for SwiftUI, and I am facing issues with implementing NSParagraphStyle related features like nested bullet lists and text alignment. I have searched a lot and personally feel that the documentation is not enough on this topic, so here I want to discuss how we can achieve the nested list with UI/NSTextView and natively available NSTextList in NSParagraphStyle.textLists. The problem is I am not able to understand how I can use this text list and how to manage adding list and removing list with my editor I have seen code that work adding attributes to each string and then merge them, but I don't want that, I want to add/update/remove attributes from selected text and if text is not selected then want to manage typing attributes to keep applied attributes to current position
Dec ’24
How SwiftUI Table sorting work with multiple KeyPathComparator ?
Hello everyone, I am new to the Swift and the SwiftUI. Trying to understand how sorting works on SwiftUI Table view. The following code does what I intend to do, but I am not able to understand how does it actually work with multiple key path. Need help with the answers for the questions posted below the code. // MARK: - Student Model struct Student: Codable, Identifiable { let id: String let name: String let gradeHistory: GradeHistory enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case id, name case gradeHistory = "grade_history" } } // MARK: - GradeHistory Model struct GradeHistory: Codable, Identifiable{ let id: String? let semester: String let subjects: Subjects init( id: String? = UUID().uuidString, semester: String, subjects: Subjects ) { = id ?? UUID().uuidString self.semester = semester self.subjects = subjects } } // MARK: - Subjects Model struct Subjects: Codable, Identifiable { let id: String? let math: Int let science: Int let english: Int let physics: Int let computer: Int let socialScience: Int init( id: String? = nil, math: Int, science: Int, english: Int, physics: Int, computer: Int, socialScience: Int ) { = id ?? UUID().uuidString self.math = math = science self.english = english self.physics = physics = computer self.socialScience = socialScience } enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case id = "id" case math = "Math" case science = "Science" case english = "English" case physics = "Physics" case computer = "Computer" case socialScience = "Social Science" } } let _students: [Student] = [] struct StudentGradeHistoryView: View { @State var students = _students @State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\] var body: some View { NavigationStack { Table(of: Student.self, selection: students.selectedStudents, sortOrder: $sortOrder) { TableColumn("Index") { student in let index = (students.firstIndex( where: { $ == student .id }) ?? 0) Text("No. \(index + 1)") } TableColumn("Id", value: \.id) TableColumn("Name", value: \.name) .width(min: 150) TableColumn("Math") { student in Text("\(student.gradeHistory.subjects.math)") .foregroundStyle( gradeColor(for: student.gradeHistory.subjects.math) ) } .defaultVisibility(.automatic) TableColumn("Science") { student in Text("\(") .foregroundStyle(gradeColor(for: } TableColumn("English") { student in Text("\(student.gradeHistory.subjects.english)") .foregroundStyle(gradeColor(for: student.gradeHistory.subjects.english)) } TableColumn("Physics") { student in Text("\(student.gradeHistory.subjects.physics)") .foregroundStyle(gradeColor(for: student.gradeHistory.subjects.physics)) } TableColumn("Computer") { student in Text("\(") .foregroundStyle(gradeColor(for: } TableColumn("Social Science") { student in Text("\(student.gradeHistory.subjects.socialScience)") .foregroundStyle(gradeColor(for: student.gradeHistory.subjects.socialScience)) } } .onChange(of: sortOrder) { students.sort(using: sortOrder) } } } } My question is how I can use KeyPathComparator in this model to sort data with multiple comparator paths like @State private var sortOrder = [ KeyPathComparator(\, KeyPathComparator(\Subjects.math) ] It's not working in this way
Oct ’24