




Adding ModelComponent to Reality Composer Pro's "Primitive Shape" entity
Is there a way to give a "Primitive Shape" entity created through Reality Composer Pro a ModelComponent? I have a custom ShaderGraphMaterial assigned to a primitive shape in my RC Pro scene hierarchy, and I'd like to tweak the inputs of this material programatically. I found a great example of the behavior I'm looking for here: @State private var sliderValue: Float = 0.0 Slider(value: $sliderValue, in: (0.0)...(1.0)) .onChange(of: sliderValue) { _, _ in guard let terrain = rootEntity.findEntity(named: "DioramaTerrain"), var modelComponent = terrain.components[ModelComponent.self], var shaderGraphMaterial = modelComponent.materials.first as? ShaderGraphMaterial else { return } do { try shaderGraphMaterial.setParameter(name: "Progress", value: .float(sliderValue)) modelComponent.materials = [shaderGraphMaterial] terrain.components.set(modelComponent) } catch { } } } However, when I try applying this example to my use-case, my project's equivalent to this line fails to execute: var modelComponent = terrain.components[ModelComponent.self] The only difference I can see between my case and this example is my entity is a primitive shape, whereas the example uses a model reference to a .usdz file. Is there some way to update a primitive shape entity to contain this ModelComponent in its set of components so I can reference + update its materials programmatically?
Feb ’24