




Chinese Input Method Get Stuck on macOS 14.5 to 15 beta 3
As the title suggests, Chinese Input Method Get Stuck on macOS 14.5 to 15 beta 3. And this issue has a reproducible path. When using the Chinese input method, if you enter "zxcvb" or "mnbvc" in sequence in any text feild, you will have problems entering any further characters, util press "esc" button or change another input method. If this problem occurs multiple times in a short period of time, the mouse click event will also be blocked for a few seconds. Hope this issue be fixed soon.
Jul ’24
Mac12.0.1 loadNib NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle issue
I found that after my iMac upgraded to 12.0.1 (21A559), my app get slower than before. When debugging, I find there is a new function NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle called before loadNib. it will always cause a CodeSign exception. please help. Code 0x7ff81f90830b <+1524>: movq 0x3ee478ee(%rip), %rsi ; "_nibFileToLoadFromListOfFiles:atNibPath:isKeyed:" 0x7ff81f908312 <+1531>: movq -0xc0(%rbp), %rdi 0x7ff81f908319 <+1538>: movq %rdi, %r12 0x7ff81f90831c <+1541>: movq -0xf0(%rbp), %rdx 0x7ff81f908323 <+1548>: movq -0xd8(%rbp), %r14 0x7ff81f90832a <+1555>: movq %r14, %rcx 0x7ff81f90832d <+1558>: callq *0x3d43ef05(%rip) ; (void *)0x00007ff81ccd9040: objc_msgSend 0x7ff81f908333 <+1564>: testq %rax, %rax 0x7ff81f908336 <+1567>: je 0x7ff81f908371 ; <+1626> 0x7ff81f908338 <+1569>: movq %rax, %r15 0x7ff81f90833b <+1572>: movq %rax, %rdi 0x7ff81f90833e <+1575>: callq 0x7ff820435a15 ; NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle -> 0x7ff81f908343 <+1580>: cmpb $0x0, -0xb1(%rbp) 0x7ff81f90834a <+1587>: movq -0xc8(%rbp), %r13 0x7ff81f908351 <+1594>: je 0x7ff81f9083a4 ; <+1677> 0x7ff81f908353 <+1596>: movq %r15, %rdi 0x7ff81f908356 <+1599>: movq -0xe8(%rbp), %rsi 0x7ff81f90835d <+1606>: movq -0x100(%rbp), %rdx 0x7ff81f908364 <+1613>: callq 0x7ff81f908984 ; loadNib 0x7ff81f908369 <+1618>: movl %eax, %r15d 0x7ff81f90836c <+1621>: jmp 0x7ff81f9084e3 ; <+1996> Exception Stack #1 0x00007ff81f041133 in Security::CodeSigning::CSError::throwMe(int, __CFString const*, void const*) () #2 0x00007ff81f0357e5 in Security::CodeSigning::SecStaticCode::staticValidateCore(unsigned int, Security::CodeSigning::SecRequirement const*) () #3 0x00007ff81f037315 in Security::CodeSigning::SecStaticCode::staticValidateResource(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, unsigned int, Security::CodeSigning::SecRequirement const*) () #4 0x00007ff81f02970b in SecStaticCodeValidateResourceWithErrors () #5 0x00007ff820435c73 in NSValidateNibPathInMainBundle () #6 0x00007ff81f908343 in +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:options:withZone:ownerBundle:] () #7 0x00007ff81f907c22 in -[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:topLevelObjects:] ()
Nov ’21