




EASession return nil on iOS18
On iOS 18.x when try to create EASession we get nil, but on iOS 17.x everything works. We have app which use USB cable for connecting external accessories. Scenario is when we have fresh instal, connecting with accessory work fine, EASession is created, streams are opened. When we unplug USB, we close streams, remove any reference to session and accessory, remove accessory delegate. When plug it again, creating EASession is returning nil. Only after restarting iPhone, we can create new EASession with appropriate protocol and accessory. Every next attempt without reseting iPhone is failing. Logs from accessory is following: 00:05:51.811000 : onUSBDeviceFound(pDevice=0xffc818)) iPhone USB device already in the device list w/id=1 -> update status now[21;1H 00:05:51.830000 : setConnectionStatus(status=connected) [devId=1] state updated -> forward[21;1H Capabilities indicate HostMode possibility => role switch is triggered 00:05:52.848000 : updateDIPODeviceConnections() iPhoneUSB w/caps=5 (=CarPlay or HostMode), deviceTag=2 in Device mode -> request role switch[21;1H Role switch seems to be successful 00:05:54.914000 : setSwitching('stable') changed[21;1H 00:05:54.915000 : updateDIPODeviceConnections() iPhoneUSB w/caps=2, id=1, deviceTag=2 and native transport -> request app launch and call connectUSB[21;1H 00:05:54.967000 : ConnectiAP2(05ac:12a8, s/n='00008101000160921E90801E', writeFD='/dev/ffs/ep3', readFD='/dev/ffs/ep4', hostMode){3}[21;1H Native transport should become available but does not (the following line is not present for failed case. Taken from successful case) 00:05:24.983000 : OnDBusPropChanged_NativeTransport(): deviceId=2, started=1, iAP2iOSAppIdentifier=1, sinkEndpoint=3, sourceEndpoint=4, TransactionID=1 EAP Start event not received (trace line from success try) 00:05:25.057000 : EAPSessionStart(ctx=0x74e0b800){2} called[21;1H Is there any braking change on iOS 18 considering EASession? Also what is strange is that it works on fresh instal/restart iPhone, but not working on second attempt?
Oct ’24
I am trying to setup AccessorySetupKit. I have several questions: Is it possible to setup classic Bluetooth accessory? In documentation you say: "Each display item’s ASDiscoveryDescriptor needs to have a bluetoothCompanyIdentifier or bluetoothNameSubstring, and at least one of the following accessory identifiers: bluetoothServiceUUID Either ssid or ssidPrefix, which needs to have a non-zero length. It’s an error to supply both SSID and SSIDPrefix, and your app crashes if you do. A bluetoothManufacturerDataBlob and bluetoothManufacturerDataMask that are the same length. A bluetoothServiceDataBlob and bluetoothServiceDataMask that are the same length." Is it possible to have only bluetoothCompanyIdentifier and UUID ?
Jul ’24