




iCloud Private Relay and Little Snitch
Dear Apple, I use Little Snitch (An application firewall) to manage exactly what websites/domains apps should be allowed internet access. And which sites shouldn't have any access. Like in Safari or Mail ... I don't grand access to hostnames that include anything that can be derived to have an association to "Tracking" ... say: Little Snitch works like a charm. Or to say: It works until you don't enable "iCloud Private Relay". With iCloud Private Relay turned on, it circumvents Little Snitch granting access to every site/hostname without checking with my "Application Firewall" - if it's allowed to have access to said site or not. I guess this is because iCPR is 1st in the hierarchy over Little Snitch. And it makes sense. If you don't have an Application Firewall running ... you want iCPR to be the 1st to intercept all connection activities. But for us who do have an Application Firewall ... it doesn't. I wish to go into "Set Service Order" and drag Little Snitch to be 1st in this list ... then iCPR ... and then Ethernet 1 ... etc etc. This way, I could 1st block any access to any "Tracking site" ... don't even let the app connect to it! Since, why should they even have my data? Any data about me?! ... Even if it "anonymised", it's best to not give them any data at all. Null ... zilch! :-) Could you please add/tweak this "Set Service Order" to allow/grant us, the users to choose how we would like to filter our connections. cheers, Daniel
Jan ’22
System Preferences --> Network --> Ethernet --> Limit IP Address Tracking
Hi, I see that in macOS 12 (running 12.1), there is a new setting in Network preferences pane: System Preferences --> Network --> Ethernet --> Limit IP Address Tracking Limit IP address tracking by hiding your IP address from known trackers in Mail and Safari. What does it actually do? I tried searching the web, but it seems like this quite new and nothing is written about this new feature.
Jan ’22
Will Object Capture take advantage of a Dual dGPU setup?
Hi, I have a MacPro, and am looking to buy a Sapphire AMD RX 580 8GB GPU. (Since my PowerColor R9 280X 3GB is just shy of the minimum 4GB requirement...) And I'm wondering, what if I bought two RX 580's? Would Object Capture take advantage of a dual gpu setup? ... and if so, would it increase the performance? PS. Just to clarify - I don't want / not talking about doing a Dual-Link / CrossFire setup (since that practice is kinda "dead"...) ... just wondering if Object Capture would recognise "aaah, there are two identical GPUs in the system, lets use both..."
Jul ’21
cantCreateSession("Native session create failed: CPGReturn(rawValue: -21)
Hi, I'm getting this error code "-21" ... anyone know what it means? cantCreateSession("Native session create failed: CPGReturn(rawValue: -21) 2021-07-17 14:01:29.621817+0200 HelloPhotogrammetry[2578:40148] [HelloPhotogrammetry] Using configuration: Configuration(isObjectMaskingEnabled: true, sampleOrdering: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.SampleOrdering.unordered, featureSensitivity: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.FeatureSensitivity.normal) 2021-07-17 14:01:29.669711+0200 HelloPhotogrammetry[2578:40148] Metal API Validation Enabled 2021-07-17 14:01:29.709715+0200 HelloPhotogrammetry[2578:40148] [HelloPhotogrammetry] Error creating session: cantCreateSession("Native session create failed: CPGReturn(rawValue: -21)") Program ended with exit code: 1
Jul ’21
Volume Hash Mismatch
Hi, I've installed Monterey Beta 1 .... and then did an OTA update to MR B2. After the update to MR B2 ... I've started to get this "Volume Hash Mismatch" in my notification center ... I've tried to reboot into Recovery, and do a "First Aid" an all volumes in my MacBook Air's ssd ... But this message still re-appears. Any idea why this happens? or a fix? cheers, Daniel.
Jul ’21
Is it possible to convert typed text with the font-face (Trace them?) into a PKDrawing to use in a PencilKit app?
Hi, I have been learning PencilKit, and playing around with the code sample from the WWDC20 talk #10148: Read the forum: and as much documentation as I could ... But I haven't found an API in PencilKit to use ... to convert typed text (with a selected font-face ... say Times New Roman) --> into a PKDrawing stroke path ... Think Adobe Illustrator where you can select typed text, with a font-face ... and then choose to convert it into a path ... strokes ... And I would like to do the same operation with the typed text, with a font-face ... but into a PKDrawing canvas instead ... as a stroke path ... So I can get access to the stroke data ... and manipulate it with the pen ... And I don't want to manually hand draw letter shapes in "Times New Roman" face ... or "Verdana" :-) ... like the Apple dev that wrote the sample code: That is ... defenitly not the route I'd like to go down ... Has someone any Idea how ... maybe ... I can "trace" a font-faced-text into PKDrawing strokes? :-) cheers, Daniel.
Jun ’21
I found a bug in iOS 14.4.2 ... Phone app stopped working on iPhone 7 device
Hi, I found a bug in iOS 14.4.2 ... Where the "built in" Phone app doesn't work any more ... and the same with Messenger and Zoom ... they stopped working on iPhone 7 devices. Having done a quick web search, I found that many other users too have experienced this issue with their older phone models, after updating to iOS 14. I personals own and daily use an iPhone 7 model ... and last working version I had running was iOS 14.4.1 (that is, just one revision earlier ...) Some days in early April, I updated it to 14.4.2 ... didn't quite notice that the "Phone app" didn't work the first few days .. since I use AirPods ... and bluetooth audio isn't affected. But one day my girlfriend called me when I was at the store, and I couldn't hear her / and she couldn't hear me. Didn't make to much into it, as I shrugged it off as "It must be the cell towers close by, that are the issue / cell coverage is bad right now" ... But then, a week ago, or so, I wanted to record a video with the Camera app (Apple's built in) ... and then I noticed that it didn't record any audio in the movie..... but it did'd record video. So I began looking into it ... that's when I saw this Apple discussion thread: TL:DR ... I whipped up a voice memo app (SwiftUI) ... and did an extensive testing and bug searching during this weekend. And I am 99,999% certain, I found a bug in the latest hot-patch (14.4.2) Apple released ... for the ZeroDay-exploit ... the security team at Google found. I understand, you don't really have time to do a thorough QA-check when you don't get a heads up, and have "zero days" to work against to find a fix and push it out ... I'm guessing, they (you apple) did as a good of testing that you could, but older iPhone7 maybe fell below your Rader ... I'd venture a go that you might have thought/had time to test down to iPhone8:ish? :-) ... Anyhow, how do you get a hold of Apple iOS Developer team to give them the feedback and the logs and so ... so they can fix this bug that the Hot-Patch (14.4.2) is causing older iPhone7 Devices? ... having spend the weekend trying to talk to the "Customer Apple Support" folk on the Phone and in the store ... didn't go far ... as they are so darn stubborn to just rule it as a Hardware issue ... since iPhone 7 "is such an old device, it must be that it's old and broken" .... speech ... I have to turn else where ... but where? is my question? Cheers, Daniel.
Apr ’21